Here is my story …as short as possible
He found me on FB and westarted communicating ,I was seperated and going through a horrible time with a bipolar alcholic abusive husband and was not looking for anything but was lonely for company so we started chatting.He was feom the same nationality as me ,he was soo funny and nice we talked for hours …I told him everything in my life and i was just looking for a friend ,he moved to Canada 4 yrs ago to work and kived 4 hrs away where my Best friend lived and my brother he was lonely too so I arranged for them to meet him and they lived him but he wanted to meet me so a minth of trying to keep him at a distant we met and it was unbelievable! passion laughter and we were in love …I couldnt believe it I was a strong independent woman ,I was older had older children but i felt like i was a teenager and he seemed and looked older …we txted and video calleded all day long and he was extremely jelous and insecure although he was beautiful he always felt he would lose me …I had an amazing career and he was just starting to build a life in Canada anyway he had to go back to his country a month after we met to see his family and sick dad,I knew he had an ex he told me of their on and off relationship through the years and i even told him to please tell me if they decided to reuinite if he met up with her and I would understand but he was adamant that it was over …he video called me almost every hour while he was away he i troduced me to his family and friends he txt me constantly and I was so blown away but when he came back he pulled away ,he got moody and stopped telling me he loved me ,he used to talk about a possible future when his life was more stable and i had finalized my divorce but all of it stopped i suspected he met up with his ex while he was away but had no proof …then he had to move farther away for work and I even asked him if he wanted to continue our exclusive relationship since I knew this was going to be difficult he was dead set on continue it and we would both meet up once a month and see how that went,well it went well for a couple of months,he txt me every hour video called as much as we could ,laughed and talked for hours and we saw each other it was passionate and amazing and random strangers would stop us in malls in restaurants on the street and tell us we were perfect together etc it was soo strange ,he was a big guy when I met him and he decided to go back to the gym while he was living up north …I pushed him to keep going and he started getting full of himself as he got in better shape , he was unhappy with his life in Canada and was depressed and kept saying he wanted to go back to his country to study a trade for a year and come back and open his own business but when I asked him where I fit in to this plan he kept saying “I don’t know where my life is going to take me …I can’t answer that and I have nothing to give you “ he felt embarrassed because he wasn’t established like I was …I noticed he was on social media more and more and he seemed to be cutting our time down acting moody and saying he was tired , his phone would always die as soon as we video chatted which increased my suspicion and i told him what I was feeling since he constantly asked me what I was doing who I was talking to and extremely jelous I thought I had a right to do the same …of course he denied all of it said I was paranoid and insecure …he came for a visit and he was distant and we ended up having a huge argument but he didnt want to end it said I asked why and he said because he loved me and wanted to continue …
After 2 weeks we had another argument and he said he was tired of my suspensions ,tge pressure and my jelosy and need to think about breaking up ,so I let him be for a couple of days and when I reached out he said he didn’t know he was still thinking about it so after 2 more days of a good morning only I wrote him a txt that I loved him but I couldn’t force him to be with me and he clearly was unhappy he responded that the distance , his situation , the pressure all had a role to play in my fears and insecurities and that we both were suffering , he couldn’t see me unhapoy anymore even though I tried to hide he he could see it ,so I said we knew this was going to be hard I was the one that fought before you left for him to see the reality but he reassured me we would make it work he didn’t want to hear any of that and that if I was worth it he would not just give up on us but I would not force him or beg and all he said was he was afraid that I would never belive him and we would always fight over the same thing and that was the last txt I got a month ago today.I went i to NC and went MIA on all social media just disappeared but I noticed a week agao that his old number that I had still saved on my contacts was being ised on Viber app and while I watched it for a while I noticed he was online exactly the same times he was with me his routine was extacltly the same his breaks when he got off work etc …I was completely replaced and I suspect the ex back in his county for other teasons tok long to list …yes I stalked him for a bit added 2 and 2 up …I have recently stopped since it was too painfaul
That is my story …
I miss him desperately…I love him and Ive am wondering if he’ll ever remeber the passion the love the laughter ? Should i stay in NC ? He is from a dif country and that culture loves women to chase …male ego is big a cultural thing …his ex would post embarrassing posts declaring her live for him and he loved it so will N C actually work against me ?