When should I tell her I agree with the breakup?

It’s been 2 weeks and I’ve been keeping to no contact as best as I can. However, when do I tell her I agree with the breakup? Should I tell her now or wait a couple more weeks? My goal is to win her back hopefully…

Stick through no contact for another 2 weeks. Then, when you are ready to talk to her, contact her about maybe a song or a place that took you guys back to a certain memory you two shared. When she responds, be friendly for a while. One of you will have to break the ice first about meeting up. Then, when you do, that is when you tell her about how you agree with the break up and understand everything and that you hope you guys can start fresh!

i personally would not start about the break-up right away when you meet her again the first time, i think she will put her defenses up then and it will create more distance. The first time you meet her just try to have a good time and dont break down or start about it. If she wants to talk about it she will bring it up. Try to make it a fun day/evening for her and you and use the things she found attractive in you in the first place.

Ofcourse you will have to talk about it eventually if she does not bring it up. But it is better to talk about it when she is liking you again then to bring it up after not having seen or spoken to her in a month. It will bring back the memories why you broke up in the first place.