Me and my ex split 3 weeks ago and we stayed in constant contact but every friday it seemed she would show some gegenuine feeling for me shed say she loved me missed me and even cant live without me but 2 one night stands later (i should mention we had one at the same time and admitted to eachother it was a mistake but her second one was planned and she lied to me and her friends what she had done but i asked her none the less to think about a second chance with me but then i found this website and Relationship Rewind and im in a state of no contact period with her i told her this cos we still talked its been a few days and sheshes deleted me off facebook then readded me but no formal contact im affecting changes to myself and im happy but the reasons we split were because we took eachother for granted she was too relient on me she lost attraction cos i stopped putting effort into my appearance which is my own fault and she was scared of something longterm but we did rush into it we were together a year and lived together but she has admitted she likes to be on her own now and again now my problem is that ive drafted the magic letter from ryan rivers RR course havent sent it yet but its getting from that stage of making contact with her to building a false friendship to start seeing eachother im just not sure on how to start and implement things to get the ball rolling after i send the magic letter and what she could be thinking and tbh time frames and help kevin would be appreciated thankyou johnboy
You’re on the right path bud! Become a better you and get some of those qualities that made her fall for you! When you send the letter give her time to respond whatever time (it took a month for my ex to respond to it, she thought about me the whole month she said) when you meet up dont bring up the past talk about whats new in her life, if she achieved some of her goals, ask about her goal self image, be funny, interesting, mysterious, touch her from time to time, meet her in the day then leave for reason that you have something to attend! Then meet again this time talk more and leave again! The third time is the perfect date now again meet in the day then go beyond 3 hours time with her make it last super late in the night, go downtown and make her feel safe, go for a movie or dinner then bring her home kiss her, wait a little for her to kiss you back and maybe go further! Maybe even spend the night and go for breakfest then propose to get back together or make her do the honnors!
You think i have a chance at this ? I mean i do want her back and i willing to make the changes cos it will benefit me as a person but i do want her
Yes i do!
If its not too much to ask mind giving me help
Yeah sure but its been 2 days nc and shes already texting me if i dont reply what will happen do you think ?
She may get mad, may spam you or will stop! If she gets mad or starts spamming you can tell her you need space and you’ll contact her when your ready to talk