What to do now????? Reconciliation???

Me and my ex gf were in a 2 year relationship and she broke up with me 3 weeks ago because I was overprotective and controlling. Just recently I sent the number 3 elephant in the room text saying I apologize and I am working on me and we could be friends or take things slow. She responded with that she hasn’t fully forgiven me and she ok with being friends but she don’t want me thinking of anything more because she doesn’t want to be hurt again. Also that my stuff I had at her place is in a bag and I can come get it whenever. But she wants to catch up and see what I have been learning in therapy and everything that has happened I’m the last week. I really don’t want to use tricks or try to manipulate her anymore and I just want to reconcile with her without spending the next months in the friend zone or until she drops me when she gets a new guy. What can I do? I love this girl with everything and I don’t want to hurt her again and I’m putting forth effort to change and grow.

Take your stuff and do another month of no contact.