What to do next

Ok so me and my ex split about three months ago after being together for two. We tried being friends for a month before I started to do no contact. For context we work together so complete no contact isn’t possible. After nc ended I reached out to her and tried to initiate contact with her again and things were a bit hot and cold.

Right now we’re at the stage where she seems to be really hot and cold about things. For instance she has asked me to hang with her before work and is perfectly fine taking her breaks with me when I ask her. At the same time she will talk my ear off when we text or she just won’t respond at all. I’m feeling like things are getting better but I can’t work out if she is warming back up to me or if she is just being nice. I asked her to meet up out side of work but she has said that she was busy but gave reasons as to why.

If you want anymore info please ask.

404name Was it her idea to split up 3 months ago? Two years and now hot/cold is not a good sign!! What were the reasons for the breakup?

Stop initiating texts! Stop asking to hang out on breaks! She obviously isn’t as interested in you as you are in her, so stop chasing her and work on your flaws that occurred within the 2 years you were “together”.

At work, just be polite…