What if it's a break-up but he wants contact


My bf broke up with me 1 month ago (5 year relationship). I am going through a rough time financially and doing my best, but he feels I am not. I do have alot of past that is unsettled such as my divorce and dealing with alot with my 19 year old daughter. He wants me to get my life together and be the ambitious women he knows I can be. He says I am dragging him down with all my problems. We do not live together as he does not want my kids living with him. He is open to me moving in with him, once my children are on their own. He has cheated on me multiple times in the past, and I have revenged. We have broken up too many times for me to even count. It is complicated. As I write this, I’m thinking to myself “do I really want him back?” My question is, he doesn’t want us to not see each other or not text and talk. He just wants me to get my “shit” together and then we see what happens. In the meantime, he has joined a dating site as he says he does not like being on his own. He is tired of our arguing and just wants to have a normal conversation with another woman with no drama. I said I couldn’t keep in contact with him if he is on sites. I have not contacted him in 2 days. Last night he text me saying “today would have been a nice day for the pool and tennis…goodnight xxx”. I ignored him. I am moving soon and he is supposed to help me. I have ignored him in the past and he goes crazy, calling, texting, showing up at my place etc…. He wants both worlds, me and being single. After the break up a month ago, he begged me to go back to him. I said no and then now he says, being single is nice as there is no fighting and therefore wants to continue like this for a while. I don’t know what to do? Just ignore him? I think something needs to be said before I ignore him.

Just adding…this morning he text me saying “baby, I miss us. Come over tonight”. I don’t want just a one night. What do I do? Tell him I need time to figure my life out and will be in contact with him when I am doing better?

I’d initiate and keep no contact. He obviously wants to have his cake and eat it too. I didn’t tell my ex anything when I started no contact but if he continues to contact you, you can gently let him know you need time.

The NC is more for you than it is for him. Take this time to get yourself together and make improvements in your life. At the end of 30 days, you may be surprised to discover you can do better. It sounds to me like you can. Any man that doesn’t welcome your kids with open arms sounds like an asshole to me.