What do I do from here?


I need advice for my situation. My ex dumped me and I went NC for about 90 days before reaching out and we spoke for about almost 2 months as friends, before I decided to go NC again since she was seeing other guys and she was getting used to being friends. When she reached out saying she found me on a dating app through text to start a convo, I kept no contact and did not answer since she still was not interested and was just checking to see if I was still “there” for her while she talks to other guys.

It’s been about a month of not communicating again and we last spoke as friends and civil with no bad terms. A friend told me she is seeing a guy and she ended up posting him on her instagram story. I, since we have not spoken and knowing she is talking to someone else, have also been talking to girls and posted a girl on my instagram story I am talking to. Although I did not react to her posting a picture on her story with her guy, she for some reason decided to unfollow me after seeing me post the girl on my story. My account is private so now she will not be able to see my improvement or progress, how should I navigate this?

Thank you

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