Hi there,
First of all, thanks for taking the time to read my story. My name is Fred and I’m a 25 years old. I will try to explain everything in as much detail as possible. I would like to have your advises on what my strategy should be.
I met this great girl about 5 months ago, and we dated quite intensively for about 3 months. I told her that I would be moving away to another country for my job. I think because of this, she broke up with me, saying that “It would be better to stop this relationship now, instead of waiting for 2 more months until you leave, and having the risk of developing more feelings”. So I started a no contact period of a month.
It worked: after a month she drunk texted me that she missed me. Soon afterwards, she texted me she wanted to see me again. So we met and had a great night, I didn’t start talking about the brake up whatsoever so it went very well and we had a lot of fun. After that, we sort of picked it up where we left it, and had another month before I left the country to work abroad.
Before I left, we talked about what we were gonna do with the situation. I would be away for 6 months, while she would stay at home. I said I was willing to start a long-distance relationship. She said she wouldn’t be able to do that, since she was not in love with me. I said I was fine with it, thinking it would maybe be a bit fast to start such a relationship if you’ve only known each other for 5 months. So I left, thinking that I would give it another shot once I get back home.
The problem is, that she said the following: “I think it would be better if we both agree that we will not see each other anymore if you get back. Otherwise, if we start dating other people in the meantime, you will be in the back of my head and I can’t deal with that.” Not wanting to be needy, I agreed that it maybe would be better. So I started a new no contact period about 3 weeks ago and we haven’t spoken since.
I want to give it another shot if I get back, although we agreed not to do such a thing. I’d like to know what my strategy should be. Should I text her after a month of no contact, even though she is far away, we can’t see each other, and we agreed not to? Or should I contact her once I get back?
Also, something I don’t understand: she broke up with me, but came back to me because she missed me. She doesn’t love me she said, but she does really like me. She might fall in love with me later, but I have the feeling that she doesn’t want to give it a shot. Judging from the story, what do you think of this?
Thanks in advance and I’m very interested in what you guys have to say!
- Fred