very confused and in need of advice

So I am here like everyone else is here because my boyfriend of 8½ months broke up with me out of the blue. He has been my best friend for a really long time. We never got in much fights, but if we did we got past it right away.

For the past week we have spent almost every waking moment together, and the last day we were with each other, we went on a double date with friends and then he came over to mine and everything was normal like always.

The next day he was being really short with me and I don’t really know why I thought of it, but I asked him if something was wrong between us, and he would reply with “idk” a lot of times. Before all of that he was telling me he wasn’t sure what was wrong, so I think if I never asked that question he would have never had the courage to actually end things, and instead he would’ve just brought up the problem.

Now you are probably wondering why he broke up with me out of the blue like that. He told me the next day after refusing to talk that he wants to be alone and he likes someone else. Well after I broke one of the first rules of NC, he blocked me on every social media account. I ended up asking a friend of ours to talk to him, and she said he told her that felt that I didn’t care about him and he “lost his feelings for me”. But this just confuses me so much, we have never really had a problem with communicating our problems before, and he also just decided he didn’t want to be with me overnight.

Like I said earlier in this very lengthy post, we went on a date the day before he broke things off, and we have been with each other a lot. I don’t know if this was a communication problem, but I’m planning on trying to get him back. I just really don’t understand what’s going on. The last time he texted me he apologized for being mean and said for almost the 10th time “we aren’t going to get back together” and “I just want to be alone.”


i recommend doing the 30 days no contact. focus on yourself during this time. don’t check his social media accounts or reach out to his friends. do things that make you happy.

i just finished my 30 days and while moments are still rough, they are so much better than day 1. and while i’m not together with my ex, the lines of communication have been reopened.

Does anyone have more advice for me? A couple days after the break up he apologized for how rude he was to me when he ended things but then reminded me we wouldn’t get together again and that he wants to be alone. I found out that he was lying about liking someone else from another friend and that he left me because he put more into the relationship than I did.

He did block me on all of his social media accounts but said we could be friends still but I know that he just said that to be nice. I haven’t contacted him since the day he apologized and I won’t until the NC is over, I’m just afraid he will never end up missing me like or feel like he made a mistake like numerous amounts of people have experienced on here.

I know that it’s selfish of me to think he is going to come running back to me but I just want to keep my hope. He is really stubborn so I don’t think he will. I just don’t know what I will say to him to try to get him to talk to me after the NC is up.

I have posted on the No Contact board also with other questions. I just really want advice/help.