Unfollowed on social media

Hi everyone,
I broke up with my ex this monday. Our breakup was very calm and I accepted it. Same day he and a girl becomes friends on facebook. Now 4 days into NC he removed me from instagram, and all my family and friends. And he started following the girl from facebook. He also removed all photos of us.

Any idéas how to react to this?

@Hanny You say you accepted the breakup. Does that mean he broke up with you? What reasons did he give and how long was the relationship? So it’s been a week since the breakup?

Remove all photos of him on Facebook and block him. Remove him from Instagram.

Yes, he broke up with me. Our relationship was 3 years. He said we argued too much. We did argue a lot before the break up. Now we have been broken up since last monday and I initiated NC-rule right after the break up which actually was through phone.

I called him because I wanted answers and then he said we argued too much. Is there any reason I should block him on facebook?

@Hanny The main reason for breakups is cheating. The next is too much arguing and incompatibility. Guys hate arguments and drama!

Block him/unfriend him on Facebook so he can’t see all the things you post and you won’t be tempted to stalk his social media.

In the mean time, google articles and read up on proper conflict resolution.

If at any time he wants to try reconciliation, he knows how to get in touch with you…