Unfollowed ex on Instagram. He got upset.

I was dating this guy for about 5 months. We had a small fight and shorty after I implemented no contact on him (including Facebook likes and comments). I barely posted on Facebook but the few times I did He would like them and even like comments I made to others but I ignored him (he didn’t text me). Finally 28 days into no contact he texted me asking if I watched a specific show we both like. I answered him and kept the convo short. I was polite but very brief. Almost two weeks later I had to unfollow him on Instagram because seeing his posts were making me feel sad. He noticed and 2 minutes later sent a text saying “ouch!”. I didn’t respond to it. Did I just ruin the effect the no contact period had on him? He came forward and I feel like I blew it by removing him from my Instagram. Do you think he will ever contact me again? I don’t want to reach out and text him because I feel like that is a form of desperation and chasing.

Hello Kissofdeath and sorry about the situation. You shouldn’t have unfollowed him, but you shouldn’t have CHECKED his account in the first place! A must rule during NC is not to look up in their social network profiles, nothing at all! You should go NC again and then consider if you really wanna keep seeing this guy. I still find it very weird in this new generation trend that if someone automatically doesn’t follow you on some social network, you have to get offended and hurt, you have to justify it even.
Good luck anyway.