trying to make me jealous

We have broken up about a month ago. However, for weeks she kept logging into my social media accounts and being jealous and protective. we were still sleeping together howeever, we had a big argument around christmas time. She then finally ended things as she decided she wanted to stay with her husband. That put the nail in the coffin. However, through this one month break up, multiple times had we blockd and shut each other out only to come running back in and not able to let go. We caught up yesteray, and everuy time we had caught up even sincee being broken up have had sex but never even hesitated to kiss me. Yesterday was the first time shed kissed me. i had then said, well if there really is no chance for us let me know and i am forced to move on as im being treated like a total stranger. and she said there is no chance, so i had blocked her on all social media not her phone number.
later that night she messaged asking if had restricted orblockd her on instagram, i told her i had blockd her. she then said well okay but i wasnt going to block your phone number, i told her i wouldnt either. Half an hour later i seen she followed my brother on instagram. So i had sent her a screenshot of the notification off my brothers phone.
She then said, she will unfollow. then an hour later said he followed her back and let her know if i want her to ubnfollow him otherwise dont reply. i didnt reply

i had then seen she had gone and like a few boys photos this morning, who she was snapchatting when she was accusing me to talking to other girls whe n i wwasnt (guilty conscience).

is she trying to make me jealous? is she already regretting her decision? as this is different to every other time have gone no contact, she never done any of this stuff.

@casgts Distance yourself from her so she can work things out with her husband. Don’t get your brother involved in the situation and advise him to unfollow her.