Hey Guys,
Today marks the 30th day since I tried to communicate with my ex (28/f). I’m (30/m) not sure if I should reach out or not. It was a bad break-up: Tons of fighting… stemming from her jealousy, insecurities and trust issues… but through it all, there was love there. She broke up with me, via email, citing her depression… but I think that was a smokescreen. She said she’d always love me and that our ‘riding off into the sunset’ wasn’t in the cards for us at this time.’ I reached out immediately after, trying to reconcile (trying to see her [she wouldn’t see me], next day sending her a belated birthday present [no thank you or response] and two weeks later an email summarizing all the ways I’d be there for her if she was open to talking again [absolutely no response]. Clearly, she wasn’t/isn’t having it. Candidly, because of her personality and low self-esteem, I think she likes the power/control she now has over me. And yes, I know I fucked up royal.
It’s been 30 days. So… do I continue to move on, past this date, or do I reach out to her with a casual ‘across the bow’ text? My gut says don’t reach out until she reaches out to me… but you all know what kind of mindset that puts us in.
P.S. Thanks in advance for all of your wisdom.