To those struggling, there is hope

For everyone posting on these boards, I do not know the specifics of your situation. However, I am aware that many of you are currently struggling with a wide array of emotion towards your own particular situation. You’re heartbroken. You crave what you once had. For your old life to be the same, because it was easier that way. I too was in the same position almost a year ago. Confused, perplexed and aching to fight against circumstances I had little effect on. I would frantically post on this board, or read other people’s experiences in hope of swaying the hand of fate to much greener pastures. I wanted my ex back. I REALLY wanted her back. But the thing is, as helpful as this is for people reconciling, this website brought me hope. Following the steps laid out, helped me realize that I didn’t need my ex to be happy, in fact the opposite. All I could see was the issues I had with this girl. All of the problems I ignored and pleaded ignorance to, which were ever so apparent when we were together, could no longer be ignored. And I ended up realizing that my ex girlfriend and I had should have broken up way before we actually did. And I ended up meeting other women who were better for me in every way. While your situation might not be the same as mine, but what I will say is this; you have been dumped for some reason, this was not random, ask yourself “why?”. It could be she lost interest to you cheated or hurt her etc. Getting introspective of the Y, will help U, FEEL better. Secondly you really have to come to terms with everything quicker, or it’ll take longer to feel better. If you don’t really understand that chances are you will not be with this person again (chances are you aren’t in the much smaller percentile who get back together), and you will be happy WITHOUT them, then you will continue to struggle. I would say I am even happier now than when I was dating my ex, yet after we broke up, I thought I wouldn’t be happy ever again without her. So I would emphasize really, really getting over your break up and just enjoying life, and y’all be alright.

Did you ever try to reconcile with your ex?