There went Nothing.


So tonight I emailed my ex. Its been 3 months since we last talked. I just sent a short and friendly email to see if we could open up the lines of communication again. Wish me luck!

He will either not respond, respond and reject me, or try talking to me again. I took a risk because I wont give up on him.

good luck my dear :slight_smile:

Thanks girl I appreciate it

Good luck my dear and it is nice that you are not loosing hope,i wish you the very best and be positive,you will be fine.He should respond as he is lucky to have you.

Good luck! Keep us updated!

Thank you all so much for the support. He responded to my email! He wrote more than I did and seemed happy to hear from me! He said he was glad it seemed that I was doing well and that we was doing ok and staying busy with work.

I have questions !!! That I could use help from you all! He didn’t ask me any questions is that bad? Also I want to respond to his email… should I make him wait? Or should I email him back tonight? ?? I’m not sure what the best move is !!

Please any advice would help me so much.

wait to email him back for at least a day, so you don’t seem desperate. do not mention anything about wanting to get back together. show him that you are happy and positive, which will bring back the attraction he once had for you.

anyone? Im not sure if I should wait to email him or email him now…I dont want to seem too anxious but I also dont want to make it seem like I don’t want to talk to him

Wait before sending another mail as he didn’t ask anything from u

Thank you for your help! I think I will wait a day or so. Do you think that because he didn’t say he missed me or anything that it’s a bad sign? Do I still have a chance? :confused:

Control your emotions and reply after few hours and be normal,dont show your desperation and need,it sure will take time and a 50/50 chance.Talk to the point.

Thank you @kalicooldude. I haven’t responded to him yet but I will sometime today. Hopefully he will want to keep talking to me…I also want to skype with him again at some point… Should I bring it up after a few emails if he doesn’t?

I wouldn’t read into it too much that he hasn’t asked questions or said that he misses you. If he had jumped straight in with that, he might of thought it may put you off a bit. Just like if you did it to him.
I agree with the others, just be cool now, don’t reply straight away as you don’t want to seem desperate and needy, leave it a while and then respond to him. See how the conversation flows before you mention skyping or anything.

The very first step is important, and is key… He responded! I recommend you wait a couple of days to respond back, and reply back without sounding too serious. That is must to continue breaking the ice. He may not want to seem to over the top at first, and maybe feeling you out too. Go with the flow, and build up a conversation day by day.

So I’ve sent 2 emails and he has responded to both of them…but he still isn’t asking me anything. I’m starting to feel really bad about it. I’m scared he won’t want to be my friend still and I don’t know how I’ll ever get him back now. It just seems so impossible. All because he’s in Europe. I don’t know how to proceed with building a friendship back when it seems like he doesn’t want to carry on a conversation. But he wanted so badly to be my friend before and skype with me. I’m so lost

So this is the latest email I sent…

"Thank you for the support! Yeah, I’m honestly not too worried about finding a job after. I know it’ll work out. I may go for a PhD anyway haha.

But that’s really cool you’ll get to travel soon! And it sounds like you’ve been hitting the gym a lot. I’ve also been going as much as I can.

So, I’m just throwing this out there - but I do hope we are still friends…I don’t want us to be strangers. I’m in a really good place now, and I’m confident in myself. And I’m really happy your job has been working out, because I know how much this opportunity meant to you. You worked hard to get where you are, and it’s well deserved."

And I’m feeling really bad about it. He hasn’t responded yet (it’s been a day) but with the other 2 emails I sent he responded quicker. I’m so worried that he won’t respond at all…or that he will say he doesn’t want contact with me anymore. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how he could treat me this way after 5 years and after how good I was to him. I don’t deserve being treated like crap by him.

I am literally freaking out that he hasn’t gotten back to me. Please help

I guess I just want him to confirm that we are on good terms and can be friends…for now. I wanted to get back to skyping with him again but that seems impossible

Hey everyone, so I guess I freaked out too soon. He emailed me back and said of course he wanted to be friends…and to not be a stranger.

I know we can never really be true “friends” after this long of a relationship. I just thought that in my case because he is abroad, it would be better to have some contact because we would never really run into each other. I know this is a fake friendship. I just want to get back to having nice conversations with him… I would love for us to Skype again. I think im going to wait to talk to him for a bit… does anyone have any advice? Does this seem hopeless to get him back? :frowning:

And I just found out I’ll be in Austria and Germany this may, I know it’s slim but maybe we can meet up!

Can anyone give me advice on these updates? :confused:

Just relax your mind and have less thoughts of getting back to him,take step by step and focus on other things that are important for your life…like family,friends,movies,work etc.

Be Patient and it is important.

OK ?