Okay, first some background info about the girl I was seeing most recently, I apologize in advance for this novel of a post. About 3 months after breaking up with my long term ex my friend and I started seeing each other. We had been friends for about a year and there had always been a bit of tension and interest but we had never both been single at the same time. We went out from November to January, around the beginning of January she says she thinks she wants to go from dating to being official as boyfriend and girlfriend. A few weeks later she pulls away and says she is not sure she likes me enough and wants to be just friends. Basically this goes on for around a month until I say enough with leading me on and I walk away from the friendship. By the way I will refer to her as my ex to save time and space even though we were not official.
I didn’t talk to her for 2 months, during which she got a new boyfriend, who she is super attached to. She also has apparently been seriously badmouthing me, being very angry that I do not want to talk. Since we have mutual friends I have run into her a few times but generally, beyond a polite hello I do not talk to or interact with her.
About a week ago she invites me on Facebook to a recital she is having (she’s a music major). Then a few days later she texts me basically this big long mopey message about how she is losing friends, is sorry things went bad and how she misses me and wants me to hang out with her again. Since I was going out for my friends 21st birthday I did not respond. A few hours later after I leave the party, I go to hang out with my other friend on campus and get a call from our mutual friend who is with her. My ex is basically complaining about how much she misses me and wants me to come over. Since I am going out I politely decline and my friend says okay and hangs up, all seems good. Then I get a snapchat from the friend saying basically my ex won’t shut up and asking me to hang out, still say no. THEN my ex texts me asking herself to come hang out. By this point I am on the bus with my friend, he drives it at night and since he is usually half asleep and bored I figured I would keep him company. Who walks on about 15 minutes later but my ex. I politely talk to my friends who are there and generally do not interact with her beyond an occasionally polite comment, basically treating her as a good acquaintance. After the night ends, my friend says my ex is afraid I hate her and really wants to talk to me again.
So that was Saturday, now I am sitting here wondering how the hell to proceed. My instinct is to ignore her completely. Yes, I did and do still care for her a little but frankly she has a boyfriend and even though her actions and words leading up to and since we stopped talking seem to indicate some feelings, she said she did not have any. I am not overly interested in initiating reconciliation and second try with this ex, but I am not one to completely dismiss anything and I figure if she comes around and flat out says she likes me again I want a game plan. What do you all think about this very mixed up situation?