So, first and foremost let me get the elephant out of the room. I’m polyamory and I had 2 relantionships with two awesome girls. The first one and the one that its official to my family and friends and still maintain for 8+ years.
The other one… well it was 4 very intense years were we broke off multiple times and would arguee a lot acusing eachother of cheating. It sounds bad but we loved eachother so it wasn’t a toxic relantionship, we just were both very intense people… So last April I was with this girls only a couple of times because she was sick and I was very busy at work, things got out of control and what started in a discussion about a lunch next day turned out to be a 8h whatsapp discussion where we’d broke it off (I started it and then when I said that I didn’t really break up she told that she now did because she was tired of being in the shadow). So I deleted her from everywhere… A day after I was panicking and I texted her begging and pleading and she reacted really cold, she called me and she told me it was definitive… 3 days after that I texted her again telling that I was in pain (dumb fuck) and she went even colder but somehow she replied with a heart to a couple beautifull messages. So a week after the breakup Im checking her facebook and the dumb cellphone just freezes and send a request… she blocked me. I was raging and asked her why, she was very cold this time. She said that she told she won’t be coming back for me and that it was final, she was very cold sending a goodbye message and blocked me everywhere…
I’ve been very depressed since then, I started NC but I Think i ruined it… I really love her and don’t want to lose her… this is day 9 and she didnt unblock me or reached me… I need some words of encouragement…