
Or at least I think so. Just wanted to let you guys know I don’t think I will need this website much now. I went and saw my ex last night 2 weeks after we broke up and he started to get a bit emotional and saying he wants me in his life etc. We’re not back together as a few things have to change but I said the best idea for us is to be exclusively friends and we won’t see anyone else and will just hang out a couple times a week and we start to work on ourselves more. You could say I’m pretty happy haha I’m not going to get too far ahead of myself on this one, but I just had faith in myself and the type of man I thought I was with and the love we shared and here we are…with hope for the future. Thanks for all your help guys really did help me :). I wish you all the best in moving forward with your relationships

Help me tooo :frowning:

So happy for you :slight_smile:

Hahaha thank you it really wasn’t expected. I wish I could give you guys advice, but every relationship and breakup is different. I just knew in the bottom of my heart I wanted to keep fighting for him and the love we shared. I was positive about the person he was and the love he had for me which made me not want to give up on him and I made sure he knew that. Even though we’re taking things slowly and he’s a bit apprehensive because he needs to see that change before we can fully go forward but he still has hope and thats more than I could ask for :slight_smile:

this is the first success story i read in here. congratulations :slight_smile:

Did you do complete NC for 2 weeks? How did you contact him or meet him? What did you say etc? I need help hah…

Read your previous posts and sounds exactly like my situation with my ex in regards to reason for breaking up. I hope everything works out with you guys and maybe the same will happen to me too!

Yeah I thought I would share the good news just to let you guys know that miracles can happen haha. We didn’t complete the no contact for 2 weeks at all. I was going to when I got a message from him checking on how I was only a few days afterwards, this sort of gave me an indication he was still thinking of me. He did create an account with this app where you chat to girls to distract himself etc and that got me worried but its only cause he was thinking of me that he did it haha. After he messaged me a few days after I asked if he wanted to meet in about 5 days and we went down to the park with his dog and had coffees, something we used to do when we were together (trying to remind him of these things). During that time he was still adamant that he didn’t want to get back together and things wouldn’t change. I accepted that and we messaged periodically throughout this last week, which is when i decided to help myself move forward and pack up my stuff and pick the rest of my stuff up. We then decided that wasn’t the best idea rigt now considering and exchanged a few lovely messages. He then messaged me early sunday morning asking if we could meet that night, I thought it was really strange and he just said he wanted to say hi. He also asked me to his house and this time he was really happy to see me and was hugging me and laughing and stuff. We then went in his room and had some serious talk where he started getting emotional and then it all just went up from there. Its not perfect yet, like I know he needs to see a positive change and really believe it but I know he hasn’t given up hope and is missing me heaps.

Every relationship is different so I’m not really sure what I did, he is quite a bit older than me (8 years) and was super serious about us. I also tried to be there for him and supporting him (such as when he found out he passed an important exam he called me first and I was so happy for him etc) while also helping myself (I’ve started counselling). I made sure he knew I still loved him so much and that I took things for granted. I made a grateful jar with things about him I was super grateful for and gave it to him (he hasn’t read al of them yet he said cause its hard to read) and I just did things we used to enjoy together and made the meet ups enjoyable despite the serious talk we would be doing.

I really don’t know if this will help you guys but I’ll still be on here for a while if you guys want some more info even though I don’t know how much help I could be haha.