Struggling with NC

So my ex broke up with me around 2 months ago. We didn’t talk for a while but then she a few weeks back she texted me just asking how I was. I panicked and thought she wanted me back so begged and pleaded for her to take me back only for her to say ‘my heart wants to but my head just says I cant’. I made myself look like a fool but constantly messaging her asking for us to try again. I want to go into NC but am just worried that she wont message me or it wont work.

That’s part of the point of NC. No contact at all. My best advice for you would be to spend a month improving yourself. You’ve not given us much to work with here, so I’d suggest reading the website and seeing how Kevin’s advice can apply to your situation.

Asking her constantly to take you back isn’t going to work, and if she says such things, it means she is unsure and she sees something is not working properly still. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have doubts.
Also, keep in your mind that NC is not only waiting for her to talk to you again. You must fix the problems and work on yourself before trying to get together, otherwise nothing really changes and even if she somehow decides to take you back, you’ll find yourself in square one sooner or later.
I keep my fingers crossed for you, man! NC is very hard but you can do it.

I’ve just started no contact (5 days in) after messaging for 3 weeks, not really begging, more in denial and messaging casual stuff which was making it harder for me. I’m actually finding it easier than I thought. I have removed social media and archived WhatsApp chat etc so i’m not tempted. I’ve been keeping seeing friends and trying to keep a clear mind and actually look at what was bad in the relationship, all these things have helped myself, hope they can help you too matey

That is no contact at work. She didn’t hear from you for awhile. She started to panic and texted to see if you were still on her hook or if you moved on. You showed her that yep you are still on her hook and she pushed you away again. Go No contact again and focus on yourself. If she contacts you again, don’t be so hasty to respond and when you do keep it casual and keep your emotions under control. Make her do the work and come to you.