Someone tell me he's thinking about me

Almost 3 weeks into NC and I’m having a hard time. Emotions galore. Really miss him. Wish I knew if he is thinking about me…

Hi, I know and everyone who’s done NC knows how hard it is to complete NC but it’s a must do and you’re almost there :slight_smile:

Yes, he’s thinking about you but his pride may not allow him to admit it. Especially if you acted needy before NC he’s probably now confused and wondering where you have disappeared lol (that’s a good thing). After NC things should become clearer for you and once you get in touch with each other, although at times it gets weird and confusing, hot and cold treatments etc… it’s still easier than NC. Good luck

Yes, he’s thinking about you. A lot. The last time I broke up with my current bf, my brother had a military trojan that attached to all outgoing emails…it told you when your email was read and how often.

My bf NEVER gives compliments, never says anything nice, would never admit to missing me…and in that month we were in No contact he read and reread every one of my emails dozens of times. Late at night. When he got home from the bar.

They miss us. A lot. Just as much as we miss them.


Hey Sucker!

I love what you said! even if I finished my NC,I still have doubt if he’s missing or thinking about me sometimes!

I’ve just go out with him and our group of friends last night and everything went great,I think ^__^'.

And my exBf is a bit like yours, the “never admit to missing me” part. He put on this tough guy act,especially when he’s with our friends, and after the break up I think he went it the consistency phase, and maybe he is still in that…but I hope Iìll be able break through that during the false friendship.

Thanks for the input. The thing is that we were only together for 2 months. We are both in our mid 40’s, we both know what we want which is a long term relationship, even marriage eventually. We got along really good, infact it almost freaks me out how alike we were. I could see him doing the exact same things, and saying the same things I say. He was the one to tell me how deeply in love with me he was in such a short time, among other things. Was it all bull?