Social Media

I am reposting this onto here from a different tab:

Should I delete him off all social media?

I am in the start of doing no contact. I still have him on Facebook, Snapchat and instagram. I don’t use these very often but every once in a while, he will like one of my posts on Facebook. On Snapchat, he watches every single one of my snapchats in my story.

I like the fact that he still checks up on my posts because that seems like a good sign to me but is this okay during no contact? Should I delete him off of everything? Or just leave it be since I am not the one creating the contact, he is.

@notmyrealname - Looking at your social media might mean he’s just curios, not necessarily a good sign and not an indication that he wants to get back together. Social media serves to confuse people and lead to assumptions as to what everything means. It’s an exercise in futility and guessing games for ex’s. Deleting him and not looking yourself will help you heal faster. And maybe it will make him wonder what you’ve been doing. But then again, it might make him think you’re very angry about the break up and that you’re totally done with him. Maybe the best thing to do would be trying not to visit those places and don’t post for awhile either. He isn’t really creating direct contact by looking or posting likes. The only way to know for sure if he wants to reunite is for him to tell you directly. Continue your no contact and stay strong! Wishing you much luck and try also to stay positive:)