I apologize if this has already been posted on here, but what are the rules for social media use during the 30 day no contact period?
My girlfriend of 3 years broke up with me about a week ago, but it was a promising break-up that lead me to believe she just needed space and we may get back together in the future. (I’m her first long-term relationship, so she seemed to panic about never having been with anyone else. I personally think she just needs to get it out of her system and will come back in due time.)
We still follow each other on various social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, etc.) and I don’t foresee that changing.
How should I act via social media during this no contact period? Should I attempt to disappear altogether and post nothing at all, so she’s left wondering? Or should I continue to just post happy things like I used to, showing me going out and having fun, and just living my life, so she’s seeing me moving on and having fun and therefore ends up missing me.
Help please?
I personally think its better to stay away from social media for sometime… Not because u want to leave her wonder about u but i think it will be good for u… Its an emotional torture to see the pictures of her all the time… Isnt?
Give it at least 2 weeks or so … See how u feel about it and then u can go back to the social media as u used to do…
I have the same question also. Its Day 1 of my NC period and I still follow my ex on Instagram and have her on SnapChat still. Ive been wondering if should really be following her still on these apps.I know its probably best not to follow her on the apps, because its hard to see pictures of her because it just makes me miss her more and just think about all the times we’ve had together. What do you guys think?
I agree with jasminka. I think it may be best to take a break from it. The last thing you wanna do is torture yourself if you see pictures of her out having fun during this period. Same goes for your ex, it might not be the best to post a lot during this time since what your posting may seem fine to you like pics out with the girls or what not but it may strike a nerve with the ex.
I am not a huge social media user so it’s easier for me to be off Facebook for a while but it may be tougher if your a big time user
I have taken a slightly different approach. My boyfriend and I broke up a bit ago but it was the same situation where it wasn’t a “this is over for good” but more that he just needed space and needed me to focus on me and do things that make me happy for me.
When it comes to social media I’m a little more active than he is. The first two weeks after our break up I posted things on purpose that I knew he would see and would get some sort of reaction out of him. Not pictures with guys but stuff about his favorite football team and such. I talked to his brothers a lot on facebook and such. I was acting like a mess. I don’t recommend doing that. I’m really close with his family but he did tell me that it was making things difficult for him. Sort of a weird conversation since he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what I was doing that was making it tough, but I knew what he was trying to say cause I knew my thought process behind my posts.
Since we had that talk I have taken the stance of “if I feel like posting something, I will, if I don’t, I don’t”
I don’t put up pictures of myself all over other guys, that’d be weird, but I have put up pictures of me getting involved in new projects and hobbies. Honestly, be judicial in what you post, keeping their feelings in mind, but its your life and you are single right now, you do you.
As for the pain of seeing his posts, well, it does help a bit that he isn’t a super active poster, but he does look at other peoples posts, so I know hes seeing mine. I am using this as a good excuse to spend less time stalking other people online - not like their pages but I can sit and scroll down the instagram posts or facebook minifeeds for forever and totally waste time. I want to stop that for reasons other than our relationship, so this is a good exercise. I post something but that’s all that I do, I don’t scroll, I don’t look at other peoples pages, I just put up what I wanted to put up and then I sign off.
I stayed off for 3 weeks. I just reopened it but I hid all the feeds of my ex and her friends and family. That way, the likelihood of their activities popping up is very slim. Everything ended on good, albeit confusing terms, so unfriending or blocking seemed rash to me.