I’m wondering how social media plays into no contact. I stopped following my ex on all accounts before I even started no contact because I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle seeing him anymore. However, he still follows me on all accounts, and I have posted so he has seen the things I have posted. Does this go against the idea of no contact?
Also, although I unfollowed him, he has a a public account that I have looked at a few times, does this go against the no contact rule?
Additionally, I don’t know if it means anything to this or not, but after we broke up we talked on the phone because I had questions for him/wanted to get back together, and one of the things he said was something like “maybe in a few months, you’ll see something on my Snapchat story and you can swipe up and we talk” (but not right now, obviously). This may have also been in reference to my suggestion that we could still be friends.
I’m sorry that was a lot. If you only want to answer some generalizations about social media and the no contact rule, that’s cool too.
Thank you.
Hi Joy, when my ex left me my immediate reaction was to unfriend him and block him because I wasn’t going to be a showcase for him to look at. However, I did unblock him after a couple of weeks. Then I was feeling like I should not have unfriend him. I was going back and forward with that feeling for a while and right now I’m at peace with the whole thing. The fact that your ex still follows you does not go against the no contact as long as you don’t respond to him in any way. My ex and I was in contact for four months everyday since he left. He was holding on. He didn’t want to let me go. He wanted his cake while he is under the roof of his kids mother. I tried to hang in there and understand why he was there but I couldn’t do it any longer. I deserve better. So a week ago I stop texting him. Joy I believe when your ex said “maybe in a few months…” is a very selfish move on his part. Men always expect us to hang around waiting for them and in the end we may be the loser but most of the time we come out winning. Every guy I’ve been with always came back. I had one come back after 3 years and was seriously thinking I was waiting for him. LOL! I had a child and a life. SMH! anyway, I know it’s hard and for me this is the hardest relationship to get over. We were together 7 years and we live together 6 of those years. The longest I’ve been in any relationship and it was for the most part happy. Joy, do your no contact. Try to focus on you. I don’t know your history so it’s easier said than done. I hope you’re in a good place. We all need a support group to stay strong. Keep in touch.