So I broke no contact and she said this.

Broke nc yesterday asking her for the name of a movie we watched.

First thing she said was :“Hi, btw I am single”

I didn’t even ask her for that.

Is there a reason why she is telling me she is single?

She also just sent me a message saying she wants to meet cause she wants to talk to me a bit. Should I meet her?

How long were you NC? Either way I think finishing your NC and gaining yourself back and then considering talking to her might be a better bet

I finished NC, 38 days

Oh so you didn’t break it?

Proceed with caution. I think maybe not giving this person all your attention right away, show them that the time away made you find yourself, and if you decide to get together and talk take it slow. Make sure that this is really what you want.

I agree with jj2018 about keeping a little distance and taking it slow. Any updates?

I’ll take it slow, haven’t texted her 2 days, will wait One more then text

Good luck! Keep us updated!

Thanks, I will, I hope it all works out!!

I think it’s good that she’s showing interest! However don’t give her too much of it, let her know that you’re busy, doing your stuff, play a little hard to get but not too much. Good luck!