She wrote back after no contact

I was 4 years with her. I broke up with her in end of September 2018. We texted 2 weeks and saw each other 1-2 times, then she started to withdraw. She posted a picture on Intstagram with 2 glasses of wine. I wrote her, and then asked if she has a new BF. She said yes. Then she said, dont text me anymore because I will get in trouble with him. I was angry and said: “Fuck you”. Then I texted her 3 weeks later, and asked if we can talk about it, so that I can move on. She didnt replied. And than I lost my mind. I cried a lot, had a big Depression, and still have,I still cry sometimes. Then In 24. December I wrote again and said sorry that this breakup went so wrong and I wish you all the best. She didnt replied. Since then, nocontact at all. Yesterday I decided to try it one last time and I texted her this:" Hey sweetie, I have often dreamad about you lately and worried a bit. I just wanted to ask if everything is ok" then she replied in the afternoon with this:" Hello favourite human being, yeah im alright, thats so nice of you, thanks…today was very stressfull(at work)well. I think a lot about you" I didnt reply immediatly, then later she deleted the message. So this text of her is to good to be true I think. I have two explanations. 1. She thought it was her boyfriend, and realized later that it was me, which is kind of strange because on Instagram you see the name and picture of the person wo texted you. 2. it was real, but she is afraid that her boyfriend will see it, so she deleted it. I wrote her today and said i feel the same and asked if we can meet. NO reply. I think it was a mistake from her. And now im crushed again. What are your thoughts?

Why did you break up with her? During the time you were texting each other and met up in person, did you two discuss the reasons for the breakup and try to resolve the issues?

She has a boyfriend. You’ve done your best and contacted her enough. Try to move on…