she is pregnant

Hi guys,

Im feeling really really down at the moment

We were broken up exactly one month and I was on day 21 of nc and I just found out she got pregnant from another guy…

I am giving up… this really is the line for me. I had some stuff of hers and I will give back everything along with the letter I was going to send her… but I will and have to accept the fact we will never be back together.

Thanks for the support these couple of weeks and I wish you all the best and I hope you will find your way back to the one you love.

Thank you! :')

Oh wow that’s awful, I’m really sorry to hear that :frowning:

@Moohy jeez that is tough stuff :frowning: I hope you are ok. Can’t believe she’s done that so quickly with someone! You know what is best for you.

All my emotions are coming up. I thought I was ready and didnt need her but it feels like I got hit by a truck.
All I want to do is cry and I really mis her smile, smell presence. It just isnt like her to have sex with people so quickly but she probably also had difficulty missing me so thats why she did it.

Keeping nc wont do anything anymore so I plan on giving everything back to her she ever gave me… clothes, gifts, pictures, everything that reminds me of her…
Then wish her the best of luck with her future and child and I can have closure and move on