A little back story first. Me and my ex have beef together for about 2 and half years and we were engaged during the last four months. I broke up with her about 7 months ago because I felt like I wasn’t meeting her wants and needs and was making her unhappy.
Last month we met for the first time since the break up and talked over lunch. At first our talk wasn’t about our relationship but catching up and seeing how things are going but it eventually did turn to our relationship. Mostly she was wanting to know what she did that made me unhappy and wanted to figure out ways to make herself better. And she wanted to know if I am keeping our promise that if we’re not married in our thirties for us to give our relationship another shot. I always knew she cared deeply about me and from our talked sounded like she still does.
We decided after our meeting to be friends and later I decided that I want her back. And I think I was coming off too strong and was sounding desperate in trying to getting us to meet again us friends and hang out and that pushed her away a bit. We haven’t talked a again for a few weeks and decided over the weekend to write her a letter saying I want her back. I did my best to not sound needy and showed her I am being honest and sincere and talked about some of our good times, qualities I liked about her and apologizing for my mistakes. I ended the letter saying I want us to work on our friendship in hopes that it will rekindle our relationship and have one more talk about my mistakes since we didn’t do that in our last talk.
I guess my main question is since I know she probably won’t respond right away but how to handle waiting for her response. I said I will give her time and space while I wait for her reply and continue trying to make positive changes in my life. I know the main thing is to not bother her and trying to make her respond when she gets the letter. Should I wait for sometime and try again or just completely wait for her to say something? I know waiting will be hard but I guess I also want to know some relax techniques to keep myself calm during this time. Thanks.