Seeing my Ex Again

Hi All,

My ex broke up with me in early February and we have not had contact since.

I’m ready to reach out to him to see if we can be friends. Maybe one day we could get back together but I’m not sure I’m ready for that or even want that right now.

I need an opinion from the group. My ex participates in a rock climbing group every Monday night, I went with him a few times while we were dating. Would it look crazy/weird/stalkerish to show up to the group one night?

I would never show up to his house or work unannounced but since this is a public place and the group is open to everyone I’m wondering if that’s OK. I know that I could call or send an email but that seems so passive and he might not respond. I thought that just showing up would be proactive, plus we would get to actually see each other which I feel is critical. Part of the reason we broke up was because we couldn’t see each other for several weeks, communicating through email/text definitely took a toll on the relationship.


If he’s the one who broke up with you, showing up at the rock climbing will definitely look like stalking. Calling to try to make amends would be less invasive.

Definately would not show up to his events unless you’re invited. Otherwise, it can be really uncomfortable for both you. And he might see it as creepy at worse.
You could try easing into contact by a nice text? Its been a month.