My ex and I broke up 4 days ago. It ended on good terms, but I would like to work things out ultimately. I’m doing okay, and I’m feeling strong about the no contact. However, I have a ton of his stuff and he has loads of mine. In this situation I’d wait till the NC period is over or just accept that I’ll never see my stuff again. However, he has some of my stuff I need for work and some valuable stuff of mine. How do I go about getting my stuff back without
a. looking like I’m using it as an excuse to see him
b. breaking the NC rule?
I guess a good way to get your stuff back would be to send a trusted friend or someone else round? Although sometimes I think that the best thing to do is actually break the NC rule and get them back yourself. If you need this stuff for work then it won’t look like you’re just trying to see him. Ultimately it’s up to you, but since you are doing well with NC then maybe the trusted friend idea is the best option. Good luck!
But I’d have to contact him for them? I think I can wait until the NC period is over. If not, I’ll probably ask a friend. That seems a little harsh though.
Thanks for the help. I’m trying to keep busy, but it hits me at night time.
If you can wait, then do so. My ex and I still have things of each others. I know we will at least see each other again just for an exchange. But its only been 22 days and I’m still not quite ready…
Bedtime can be the worst. There are sleep hypnosis youtube videos you can try. Also working out really hard followed by a shower.
Sleeping pills, and of course that old standby of vodka. But I hesitate to recommend those last two.
I can’t believe he’s not contacted me yet. He made such a big deal about how he wanted me to be in his life as a friend and kept saying ‘don’t disappear’ etc. I’m hoping he just needs space right now.