I’ve recently gotten out of a 2.5 year relationship (6 weeks ago) and am hurting. The breakup was sudden to me, and she stated during the breakup that she was no longer happy, and that she didn’t know herself anymore. We both cried, I tried to convince her to stay and fight for us, and she said she had been and she no longer could.
I gave a few days space and called, and I received a text that she was still upset and didn’t think she could handle a call. I waited a few more days and wrote a heartfelt letter and dropped it at her place. After 2 weeks our mutual friend called and spoke with her and she said she was now seeing a counselor and working on a response. I waited 2 more weeks and called and left a voicemail stating that she was still important to me and that I wanted us to at least be able to talk. Still no response. I then wrote the deepest and most honest letter I could asking for her back and dropped at her home with a dozen roses. The next day I received a note from her stating that my note broke her heart, that she needed time and space to heal, and that I need to let her go.
I am completely devastated as she is the love of my life. I now believe that there is nothing left to do. I started seeing a therapist during this breakup and he reiterated my belief that there is nothing left to do. The only path that he sees for me is that I accept the breakup, take up a new hobby and do things in social settings. He also said that I should not keep contacting her as it is a violation of her request and could be considered harassment.
I love this woman and want to hold the hope that she might come back. Does anyone have any advice that they can share with me?
@c - Take the advice of your therapist! Stop obsessing about her, yet don’t let go of hope yet. She needs time to improve her mental/emotional state by working with her counselor. So stop nagging her and sending her stuff, and most importantly, don’t talk about reconciliation as that will scare her away. You just have to be very patient! Time will tell how this all plays out. Good luck.
Thanks for taking the time to responsd to my post. I understand and accept what you are saying. Though it’s hard I will keep trying to stay hopeful. From your experience is it possible that no contact might still have an effect at this point? I turned my Facebook off a few years ago (meaning I never used during my past relationship). Would it be helpful for me to turn back on to post about my “new life”? And do you have any other advice as to what I could be doing to improve my chances?
@c - No contact will give you both a chance to think more rationally. But there are no guarantees that no contact will change her mind. She might miss you, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she wants to reunite. Unfortunately, most breakups are permanent and for good reasons. And mostly it’s not what a person says or does that makes much of a difference as to whether or not the other person wants to reconcile, but what is going on in the mind of the dumper. If that person desires reconciliation and wants to try again, that idea would be communicated. You’ve done all you can to try to “improve” your chances and any further attempts will make you look desperate and needy. Now step back and honor her request for space. The only time you might contact her is only if she initiates something and then respond briefly and appropriately. I don’t see any helpful reason you should turn Facebook on at this time, but it’s your choice.
Thanks again for your reply. Is there a certain amount of time that would be considered healthy to continue holding hope? My reason for concern is that it’s now been 6 weeks since the breakup. In your experience talking/observing situations similar to this in past, have you seen reconciliation this long after a breakup?
@c - Six weeks is not a long time considering the circumstance of her issues and the fact that she is seeing a therapist. Maybe in a few months you will have a better idea if she is better and what her thoughts are concerning you. To be honest, I’ve only seen a few people get back together and most of them have gone about 2-4 months of very little contact and then both deciding they want to reconcile after talking through all the problems and trying to solve them together.
For now, focus more on yourself and do things you enjoy. Good luck…
Before I begin, I apologize for any spelling or gramatical errors. I am writing this while at work and with limited time.
At this point it’s been 7 weeks since the breakup, and 10 days since the last correspondence from my ex. I’ve been respecting her wish for space and time and also trying to stay positive though self improvement and positive social activities. Without prompt one of our mutual friends reached out to my ex and asked how she was doing (in attempt get her to say she missed me or spark something), said he was sorry about our breakup, and that if she needed anything he and his wife would help. She responded with thanking them for reaching out even though they know they are friends with me, that yes we are broken up, that it’s been hard but that they’ve been staying busy, and that they are now training for a hardcore Triathalon (always did these but this event is particularly challenging).
A couple things:
I explained to my friend that though I appreciated him reaching out in attempt to rekindle something that he should not on my behalf. I also asked that he not update me on her activities or their discussions as it stirs my emotions and may cause further issues between me and my ex.
Does this new info change anything? When I heard I felt a lot of despair, but maybe I’m overreacting? Does the fact that they she is throwing herself into such a focused activity mean anything significant? Does this make my situation even worse and the probability that she will completely move on from me higher?
As Of last week I was offered a new job in my company whih woul be more creative and much less stress. The catch is that I hesitate because I feel that leaving town will completely remove any possibility of reconciliation. Am I overreacting? We had talked about moving before, but I was too scared to leave my comfort zone. My therapist told me that I should make the decision without consideration of my ex because they are currently not in my life, but that still doesn’t mean that I’m not stressing. I feel that a part of me is also considering taking it because I am really sad in my current life and that moving would force me to heal (running from problems). Another truth that is hard to write I that maybe by leaving the area she might see that I’m serious about change. I currently work in an extremely high pressure position with very long hours and this was a major source of issues in our relationship.
Do you have any thoughts/questions base on above? I apologize for the long post. I’m just really sad and trying to stay positive while holding onto my wish for reconciliation. Any words or thoughts or kindness you could share would be grealtly appreciated.
@c - The new information doesn’t change anything and I’m glad you told your friend not to intervene any more. As to the new job and relocating, I agree with your therapist. Curious how far away the new job is from your present location and if you would need to find a different apartment near there? You must make the decision based on what’s best for YOU, but to me, it sounds like accepting the job would be better for you. And I hesitate to say this, but after you heal from the breakup, perhaps you could find a nice girl close to your new job … one who doesn’t have mental issues. I’m sure you’re a nice guy and you don’t deserve this agony. Continue no contact. Good luck and let us know what you decide to do…
Thanks again for the response and for being willing to continue sharing your guidance. Having someone out there to talk with has helped bring down my emotions and help me think clearer.
The new position is a 7 hour car ride from my current location and in a major city (versus my current “large town”). In the event that I left I would need to find a new place to live. Do you feel that by leaving I would be closing the door on my past relationship? I am speaking with the hiring manager again today, and he will be giving me the final offer package, date range for when I need to give an answer, and also the proposed start date. I’m thinking I’ll only have a couple weeks at most to decide, and I’m scared that I’ll take it in attempt to try and get back, and also that I might not take it to try and get her back. I understand that I shouldn’t make the decision based on her and am trying to stay pragmatic, however as I write this admit that I’m struggling.
In regard to my ex, to clarify I don’t believe that she has any mental issues. If I left that impression with you it’s most likely due to my framing of the situation and lack of shared detail. To my knowledge, she only started seeing the counselor after our breakup. I also understand that there is possibility that I am looking through “rose colored glasses”, however I can’t seem to think of any indicators that she has a serious mental issue.
I’m trying to do new things in attempt to give myself new perspective, but so far I have only felt worse. I took a woman out on a “group” date yesterday, and though she has many great characteristics it just didn’t feel right. We had genuine discussion, danced, laughed, etc. but at the end of the night I only wanted to go home and see/speak to my ex (which I understand I can’t do and won’t attempt given the last message from her). For the short term I will keep my interactions with women friendly only, and be clear if they push for more that I am not ready for any form of relationship.
@C - Read these words again carefully: “I tried to convince her to stay and fight for us, and she said she had been and she no longer could…that she needed time and space to heal, and that I need to let her go.”
To me it sounds final that she doesn’t want to try and she wants you to let her go! Yes, leaving might close the door on that relationship, but in time it will open a door for another. Yes that’s right, you wouldn’t be ready to form another relationship quickly, but in time you would and it will feel right. The thing is to find the one who is compatible with you and you will probably need to date a lot of girls to find that special one.
I understand you’re struggling with the decision, but please try to focus on what’s best for you now. Not on what might or might not be in the future concerning your ex.
To those of you looking for insight into another’s experience to gain perspective:
Currently at 9 weeks since breakup, 4 weeks since no contact. I believe I saw my ex out randomly 1x but no contact. This threw me for an emotional loop, but I have since “restabized” after a few days. Things I have done that have made me happier and reduced my sadness:
Spent time with family and friends
Seen a trained professional therapist
Hung out with new circles of people without engaging advances by other women (keeping friends only)
Taken up a new hobby (instrument)
Personally started a volunteer organization with close friends and family
Regular exercise, nutrition, sleep patterns
Abstained from drinking alcohol
Out of all of these items starting the volunteer group has been the most helpful. Not only have I felt rewarded from a genuine act (without social media self promotion), I have created a much deeper relationship with my family and friends. They seem to have all benefited from this newfound sense of community, something that I felt was lacking. Another thing is that though it has been tough to hang with some people who do drink (peer pressure), by my staying true to myself I have felt a new sense of accomplishment. Nothing wrong with drinking or those who do, but I feel better knowing that I’m now doing what I want and not giving into this social pressure anymore.
I will continue updating this post to give updates into how my life progresses until the point of moving on or reconciliation. I still deeply “hold the wish” that my ex will return, however I will continue to respect their request for space and time away from me. I truly believe that I am now on the right path, and whatever happens next will be the best for me as it is unforced and natural.
I thank you patricia12 and all other contributors to sites like this, and ask that you keep posting if possible and offering guidance/support. Your feedback has continues to help me especially in my time of emotional turmoil. I wish all of you reading this who are struggling inner peace and happiness.
@c - Wow! You are doing an amazing job becoming a more focused man and avoiding peer pressure. I’m happy you have a closer to your family. Continue to stay strong and don’t let friends entice you into drinking and even find other friends who don’t drink. The list of things you’ve done to make yourself happier is VERY impressive:)
Keep up the good work.