Basically I met this girl online and we hit it off incredibly well, it was magical. A month into meeting eachother we started dating, something she proposed. She was the first to say she loved me and the first to propose being a couple. Fast forward a couple of weeks later, she says out of nowhere that she wants us to be friends with benefits because she feels a bit lost in her life and doesn’t know if she’s good enough for me. Then, a week after, she says we should just be friends, because she “Wanted me to be happy, and she wasn’t for me.”
At the time I just agreed to it cause it was the first time something like this had happened. I did a very short no contact period (like 5 days) just to try to clear my mind. After that we just kept talking and stuff, but my feelings for her hadn’t diminished. We met a couple of times during this friend time and I could feel that the attraction was still there and she was holding herself back. One night I just felt overwhelmed and sent her a really long text about how I felt like crap being kinda stuck in the middle, not knowing how to approach her, and feeling confused about her position in this whole thing.
She said that the only thing that she could offer me was a friendship because she was focusing on her own life, which she felt she had left on the backburner for a long time. She also said that it was not my fault, that I had done nothing to push her away, and that “80% of the issues” were on her side. She then said that what I had told her was a lot to process, and that we shouldn’t stay in contact.
I said that I understood her position, and that we should cut contact for a while. We both agreed on a month of No-Contact, ending around early October. I’m on day 7 now.
Basically I’d like to know if I’m on the right track, doing this no contact thing while we were “friends”. Granted, I realize that when I end no contact it’ll be basically starting from scratch, and as of now, I still want her back. Sometimes I get the urge to text or talk to her, because I don’t feel as emotionally needy or broken as when I felt after the initial breakup.
Hopefully that wasn’t too convoluted, I’ll appreciate any advice or comments. Thanks!