Relationship Rewind/Magic Letter

I have already waited 2 months to talk to me EX with no contact. Today I bought Relationship Rewind. I was reading the Magic letter chapter and realized there’s only one example of the Magic Letter. I was under the impression that there were more examples. Are there no more examples?


There is one more example in the Death’s door section. I’ll recommend you to use that one. Alternatively, you can use the letter mentioned in my email series. It’s the 10th email.

Hi guys, Hi Kevin
I have read that in the magic letter, I have to act like I really want to get out of his life right? However, he may respond like: ‘You want to go? Fine, OK, bye’? So what should I do next if he behave like that?

I broke with my ex not too long ago but it’s strange he says we can still talk if I want to but makes no mention to be friends but he replies to my messages so he cares doesn’t he ? I had stopped messaging him for a few hours and then he came back and read it!!! I feel maybe he loves me but he said he wanted to decide to not love me because I am not in his country (long-distance) and we cannot be together and that pains him and I also did a couple things before we broke that I noticed that I don’t need to do but it just seems so long until I will be happy again and most importantly-with him! I don’t know whether to ask to just be friends or do the magic letter now or do the no contact then the magic letter or since he seems like he is not hinting for a friendship should I do no contact them magic letter etc…? Can anyone help ? Kevin ?