So I’m finally on my 30th day of no contact with my ex. In the first week of our breakup, she was already talking to one guy in which was the total opposite of me and they talked. Now all of a sudden, I saw in person her kissing another guy. Then I found out from one of my friends that she left the other guy for this new guy. He looks like the opposite of me once again but then again idk if she really does like him. She’s been acting alot happier and even goes around with the guy a lot in my school. So I basicallg have to see them together every single day and it bothers me honestly.
Like I said its already and month of is not talking and now she’s talking to a different guy rather then texting me. Should I just stop? Please let me know your opinions and advices. Thank you.
Please anybody ?
She sounds crazy. Forget about her for the moment, it’s unfortunate you feel anything for her.
She is doing it partially to hurt you and also because she is crazy. She is probably going to talk to you again. Otherwise, wait a while longer. Those relationships she has aren’t going to amount to anything, don’t worry
I want to forget about her but it’s almost impossible for me. If she’s doig it to hurt me then why is she doing it jut for that reason or how would I know it would be to hurt me not cause she likes him?
Please help.
I am pretty certain that she doesn’t like these people. She might also not be doing it to hurt you, but is doing it to make herself feel better.
Just keep to yourself, wait another month or two. In the meantime, you will be realizing she is nuts and isn’t good for you. And then, if she comes around before the end of that time, you can talk to her. Or, at the end of it, you can decide to talk to her if you are ready to. But go find a non crazy girl
I don’t know if you should let her go or not because u never mentioned who broke up with who or why. And CONGRATS FOR COMPLETING 30 DAYS. DUDE I don’t know if im that Bad Azz to even complete my 1st week but im trying.
She broke up with me because I was so over controlling since the exact same thing happened last year all over again and I just didn’t want her to like different guys like she always did. She said I was “abusive” & says she deserves better then me. And that this time we’ll never get back together. I guess she’s right.
Please help guys. It seems like this guy is “cute” to other girls visions and I bet my ex thinks he’s attraxtice as well. I can’t help myself from always feeling down and useless knowing another guy is doing my job.
YBSM really said all there is to be said to this point.
She probably has her own issues to being alone and tries to fill the gap with rebounds, which most likely won’t last long.
Now you can’t do anything about that and have to decide what you want to do now.
- For now, work on yourself (you also seem pretty dependent on her) and try to get her out of your head because she seems pretty crazy in my opinion, in this NC time of a few months work out for yourself if you really want this girl back
- Drown yourself in sadness and wait like a dog to the day she may be go back to you.
If you haven’t already you should read this
She hates me. Even after a month she still thinks I wasn’t worth it and regret the relationship. She has so many things against as do I. But I would like to talk about it but I guess she’s falling for this new kid.
My girlfriend broke up with me 3 months ago, she Said she needed to be alone etc. We are in the same class in school and we lived together. I moved out and she is seing another Guy from my school now. I see those fuckers everyday, but I just ignore them. She is the one who talks to me because im mysterious to her. I have also lost weight and keeping myself fresh. The thing is though, i want her back badly. I have dated other girls but i know i still want her back, the hardest part about this is ignoring her and wait for her to talk to you. If you start Talking to her, you might get friendzoned. Just stay strong and keep the n/c until they break up.