Really need advice for my next move..

Hi Kevin, or whoever reads this,
So a little background I guess, my boyfriend broke up with me a little over a month ago. We had been doing long distance for the last 6 months of our relationship, he’s a teacher across the state and I’m still in school for one more year. It was mainly the distance and not knowing what I was going to do after I graduated that ended up getting to him, on top of constantly arguing about it and this pressure we put on ourselves to figure it all out right now. He said he just felt like it wasn’t right anymore. He still loves me but doesn’t think it’s right.

But, right away NC started. We’d had pretty much NC this entire time except he did text me a couple times over the course of the month. I have, though, been a wreck lets say, but I’ve been following the advice all of these “online coaches” give; NC, working on myself, going out doing fun things, making new goals, etc. It was going well, everyday is still excruciatingly painful but I haven’t contacted him and have been trying to be as happy as I can.

So NC was about to end though and I’d been freaking out about what I was going to do for my next step. The program I’d been reading on suggested to start contact again, be friendly and cool and try to re-attract him and be his “friend” slowly. I was nervous and was trying to figure out how to do this when…he calls me out of the blue just the other day!

Originally I freaked out a little and didn’t answer, I waited and called him back but it went to his voicemail too (he fell asleep) but I thought it might be a mistake so I texted him asking if he called. The next morning he replied ya I wanted to talk i fell asleep though. And so he called again that night. And…it was weird. We talked for 45 minutes… I eventually flat out asked him why he called and he said he just wanted to catch up and he still cares about me so he wanted to see how I’ve been. Still pretty sure he doesn’t want to get back together but I just don’t understand why he would’ve called in the first place. And now I’m lost as to what my next move should be. We had a good conversation, I was cool and fun, talked about the fun things I’d been doing and that I’d been really busy, etc. He did the same, it felt like how we always used to talk, especially since we talked on the phone a lot being LD. He did however, bring up some reminiscing kinda flirty things though which I don’t know what to think of, like he has my pillow and refuses to give it back and is vague as to the reason why he won’t, and I have one of his tshirts still and he said it was only his favorite cuz I used to wear it, he told me to keep it. Idk, I don’t want to over think those things, it’ll just hurt more.

But now if I follow the advice and try to recontact him like some programs say, and try to be his “friend” again and re-attract him, I don’t want him to think I’m just doing that stuff because he called and thinks I want to get back together with him.

Ugh…so I just don’t know what my next move should be. Contacting him casually? Not contacting him? Technically the NC period is over. I don’t understand why he would’ve called in the first place. Its been so long, why would he have done that? And he said just to catch up…? idk. It feels so much harder since we’re long distance too, he won’t be back to our hometown till sept or oct. So I guess, what should I do at this point? I’m confused now and at my whits end, I just want to be back together with him and don’t know what to do. Help please?

From what I can see, he still has feelings. He probably doesn’t want to rush into anything just yet. For now just be casual with him. Flirt with him sometimes and make it seem like you are a little interested to keep him chasing you, but don’t flood him with affection. Pretend you’re starting over with him again, like you just met, but you still have all the same memories.

So over the last few days we’ve been in a little contact over texting. It has actually been extremely unfortunate because I had to let him know about a death of a child we both knew, so its not like the conversations have been terribly upbeat and happy in the last two days, so I feel kind of in a rut right now. I don’t know whether to keep talking to him or break it off for a little while and let feelings over this tragedy subside.

The other thing too is, after I texted him the address of the family he said it was good to talk to me the other day, so I responded positively and with a good memory, thanking him about introducing me to a song i heard on the radio the other day. He in turn responded even more upbeat and happy, exclamation points, smiley faces etc. I didn’t respond to this one right away and in a short time he sent another one saying “i cant sleep…are you going to call me?” I freaked out at this one, i said “why would i call you?”, in the morning he responded with “i guess i just needed someone to talk to, sorry for bothering you, have a good rest of your summer.” I have no idea how to turn it around from this now. I told him no he wasn’t bothering me, it just threw me off and i’d like to be able to talk with him also if its not too weird for us. I actually said I wished he could’ve been at the funeral today, it was pretty rough. And the last thing from him was “ya i wish it too.”

So i dont really know where to go after this. With the funeral and everything it’s not like we’re on an upbeat tone right now. Before that it seemed like things were going in the right direction but i dont want to be “too there for him” and make it seem i’ll just call him whenever he needs someone but, given the funeral that might be why he just needed to talk to me since i knew the child too, and now i screwed everything up by not calling him when he needed someone… Ya, did i screw that up? Cuz now i dont know how to get on a happier level with him again. How should i respond to his last text about the funeral? Or should i drop it now and not talk to him for a bit and try to contact him in a couple days or something? I dont know, any advice???

You did nothing wrong.congratulations for finishing NC and i’m sorry about the funeral.
He broke up with you and he doesn’t have to expect you to be there for him whenever he needs you. and he still has feelings for you.
Wait a for a little while and text him with one of the text versions mentioned in the 5step plan.
Let him know that you are busy and you are doing great in your life.
Upload photos that show you are having a good time.
Don’t be too available,sometimes keep the conversation short and let him chase you.
If he is cold,you be cold.if he is warm,you be warm.
Be cool and positive,avoid any negativity. Don’t say anything about the break up or negative memories or getting back together.act like friends,get close to him,show him the positive changes in your life and try to reattract him.
Don’t rush things and be calm,patient and confident.

Follow the plan,you have a good chance.
Good Luck