“You can be in a relationship for two years and feel nothing;you can be in a relationship for two months and feel everything. Time is not a measure of quality; of infatuation, or of love”
This totally made me break down. Like can someone possibly not love someone that they been together with for two years.
Maybe it’s true because he left me for the new girl and it’s been 3 weeks and he said he has a better connection and love for her… He said his feelings are completely gone when it comes to me , and I have to face the truth and move on. I wanted him back but after seeing the quote I think it’s time to leave it all alone.
Can you explain more of your situation? Did you guys break up and then he started seeing someone else, or he straight up left you for another girl? If you were together for two years, I feel like this new girl is a rebound. Rebounds can be someone that a partner finds even before leaving the relationship he or she is in. It keeps them from feeling the void of leaving the relationship they are in. It’s not the right way to do it, and you are the only one that can decide if it’s worth fighting for. That quote, is pretty correct. There was something lacking in your relationship or else he wouldn’t have left. Just initiate NC, and see where it takes you. You’ll be able to understand more once you take a step back and see what was actually lacking. He may not be in love, but I don’t think he doesn’t love you as a person.
Concerning the quote: It’s just saying time doesn’t guarantee anything when it comes to relationships. I thought because my ex and I were together for 12yrs that it should be enough to keep her from leaving me. I was sooo wrong. The quality of our relationship the last 6 months sucked! It was horrible. We both became detached and didn’t compromise. And here I am… single.
We all feel your struggle. <3 Determine with a rational mind whether you really want him back or not. No contact is the best way to do this.
I think he break up with me for someone else. Because soon as we ended he started seeing the girl. I asked him when they met, he said she started working there for a week an that just a connection and he told her that he was in a relationship… But I guess because she was showing him so much attention I just went for it an left me.
Now when we broke up, we were moving out together in our new place was going to be ready in another week after the break up…but yeah you know the common is not me it’s you type situation so I left him alone and I was like okay in another week he’ll be back never happened. So I checked his email and he brought a dress and was sending it to a female. so I looked her page and I just seen everything. I was so angry and sad. I didn’t know what to do. so I called his job he answered and e said it was his cousin and that’ll he’ll call me later. So when he called me he was like I have to be honest that’s my gf and I broke down. He told me for the past 3 months he felt like we were walking ghosts in our relationship. He didn’t have no more feelings for me.
It hurted so much because at the time I was pregnant I didn’t let him know because of our moving stress and my family problems, and me being rude and mean to him all time, so it wasn’t the right time to say anything. So well finally I told him I was pregnant, he was shocked. well he was showing me so much attention that his new gf was like I’m going to fall back. So for some reason he was hurt by her saying that. which made me feel like okay maybe he do really care for this chick that he only knew for two weeks. So well the next day he came over we haven’t seen each other almost a month…So when he walked in he just looked so stress and dead, but he was like he’s happy to see me. (I wish I would’ve known the 5 steps at this time) so yeah we talking, I’m telling him how bad his new gf is for him, it seemed like he was agreeing … So I told him to lay down with me and rub my stomach, he didn’t want to because he felt like he was cheating on this girl but in my head I was like no your still my man. So he layed down I kept trying to kiss him. He wouldn’t let me. It was like we never shared a kids before. I wanted to break down in tears. But anyways so he finally gave in but I was kissing him and he wasn’t kissing back he kept telling me it’s going to take time. In my head I’m like well damn it didn’t take that much time for youth get over me but with this new chick you can’t even stop thinking about her…Soo finally he started kissing back everything was going perfect and than we went to sleep together… The whole time he was there he couldn’t take his eyes off me, so I felt like I had this in the bag.
After we woke up we had sex. It was amazing but I still felt like he was holding back, but he told me the moments that we had that day we reminded him of when we met.
But that same night I guess he went over to the girl house to patch everything up with her, and I was just so heartbroken, like he really just didn’t love me anymore.
Well anywas I had a miscarriage and I honestly felt like he didn’t care he called and we talked about it. I asked him so you already chose who you wanted to be with he said yeah…I was crying, I just told him maybe we can just stay friends…So later on that day I was just by the fact he didn’t even come over to check up on me after all I was carrying his baby. And I wrote him some messages because I just felt so depressed … But he blocked me and never responded back to any messages.
I’m debating if I want him back. He had his flaws in the relationship that was minor so I looked over it but the way I treated him sometimes really made him want to end it with me I guess I just didn’t see the signs …but he use to tell me all the time I was the best girlfriend he had. He would tell me half the things i did for him like go all out on his birthday. No one ever did that before.
But yeah I admit I was the problem in the relationship after I really sat down and looked at everything. I just wish he would’ve communicated with me and try to work it out instead of just give up and move on so quickly.
The girl he dates just ended her relationship with her boyfriend( he broke up with her) so everything she do with my ex she updates it on Facebook and my ex don’t like that because he don’t even do social media… And he don’t like people in his business but she does it everyday… So I think he’s her rebound. And what I don’t want to happen is her breaking up with him and he runs back to me … I will not take him back because I will feel like the rebound… I want him to take me back because he want me.
My six day in nc. I’m trying my best it’s been a month since we broke up…
But what do you think of the situation. Do you think he really loves this girl? Will he ever want me back after I take all theses steps. When he committed in a relationship he will not try to mess it up for no reason. so I don’t think he’ll ever try to contact me? And what if he do contact me should I talk to him?
Don’t worry about the length. lol Umm… You wouldn’t be the rebound if he came back. She, to me, is the rebound. If things became rocky between the two of you and he even said he felt like you two were in such a bad state for months leading to the breakup… then she is a rebound. With him having sex and letting you know he felt the same feelings as before, then going back to that girl… he is confused. Keep doing NC. Worry about yourself and the baby. Easier said than done (We all know this), but it’s especially important to take care of yourself during this time. Evaluate how you can improve what you believe to have been the core issues on your side of things.
My ex did similar things. I suspected she was already talking to her rebound for a while before she slept with her rebound. Her behavior was sketchy. Then, she didn’t waste any time sleeping with the rebound and saying and doing the same things you’re saying your ex did with his rebound. We even had sex, and she spoke of fixing things and having a future. The very next day, she went back to her rebound.
I’m technically in my 7th day of NC. I’m doing just fine, and I am sort of discovering that it is a blessing in disguise that all of this has happened. I’ve found out so much about myself, and I am getting my identity back. At first, I felt like I couldn’t envision a future without her, and now I know that with or without her…I’m going to have a great future. One where there is love.
Awwww thanks… That just really made me feel better. I am focusing on myself more, it’s just hard when I think about it, but when people give me feedback on this site it really helps me keep the NC going. I’m happy for you and keep up the good work. let me know how things go for you