Please hear me out lol I’m going to try and make the background info as short as possible and then ask my question
I Met a guy online. Had a LDR, got pretty serious quickly. Talked all day every day…He was already telling me he loved me and honestly I felt the same. I met him in a chat room for recovering drug addicts… this was Jan 2019 , I stayed off drugs but he relapsed. He leaves for a very harsh rehab, he was gone for about 7 months. we write, the letters were good, he knows he’s getting out so he’s texting me and calls me. I ask him if I can see him, he says yes, he’s excited and making plans… He gets out a week later and he’s acting kind of weird…I can see him online but he’s not paying any attention to me or writing me back. I kind of freak out a little because his behavior was just different. Anyhow after two days of this, I made the mistake and sent him a letter saying how could he do this to me and blah. He doesn’t respond… I get even more freaked out, you know the drill. After my freak out I let things cool off for a week then send an apology… he says he understands I wasn’t being myself and to just know he doesn’t judge me… I respond with thank you and that he can reach out if he needs to chat. Well, he never reaches out…fast forward 4 months of no contact. Not a single hello and I decide to send him a message for his bday, I sent a funny poem with words I made up and then said for real, happy birthday I hope you’re having blessed one and everything is going okay. He ignored me it’s almost been a month since I sent it.
Now I don’t know what the f to do… it’s been 5 months now… I want to meet him soooo bad… we are about 6 hours apart but I would drive there after quarantine or fly there or take a train…
I really don’t know what to do at this point. There is so much unfinished business and our friendship was beautiful… how can one little freak out send him running for the hills?
Would it be horrible if I was to make up an excuse about being in the area and asking him to consider getting a cup of coffee with me?
Oh and also I noticed for social media that his lifestyle has really changed, he’s really into recovery and the church… he has a whole new life with new friends…
okay any input would be great! Thank you
@gorgiajpeach I’m sorry to say, but if he really cared about you he would have responded to your messages. He didn’t and it seems he’s moved on. Please try to find a nice guy in your area.
You wrote:“Would it be horrible if I was to make up an excuse about being in the area and asking him to consider getting a cup of coffee with me?” I think it would make you seems clingy, needy, and desperate.
Don’t ever lie to a man! How could you ask him for coffee if he won’t even reply to your messages? Do you have his phone number? was only one
Yes, of course I have his phone number. I don’t think it would make me seem clingy or needy…I didn’t reach out to him for 4 months…and I haven’t for another month and I will continue to not…I just wanted to get a chance to meet him… the story is sooo long, it’s really hard to get into all the details. I think he is angry with me from gossip and lies and he probably thinks what’s the point if I live so far away… But I also feel it’s normal that I would want to meet up with someone after sharing such a close bond, regardless if it was online or not.
But yeah, I actually am going to be about an hour away from him in the fall camping with family, that’s when I was thinking of reaching out… so that would be another 5-6 months.
Don’t ever lie to a man? Why? They lie to us all the time… I wouldn’t mind lying to him since he lied about a ton of things to me… like loving me and wanting to be with me and staying clean haha
Thank you for your Input
@gorgiajpeach Not all men are liars. And long distant relationships are usually very difficult to maintain…
Anyway, when you go on the camping trip with your family, you could call him to let him know you’re close by and would like to visit (it wouldn’t be a lie)
Wishing you luck:)