a mutual friend and me meet up, he called my ex to come out and he did and we talked i was like; greetings and he said hello… and he said: u from work and i was like yaaa… and he said: being a good girl working and all?? i was like jep, i am, and also school and i stopped drugs but i started drinking a bit… and he said ya me too, how long are u sober of drugs?, i said a bit more than a month and he said that he since new year. and i said great, longer than me, keep t up like that …
he asked me where i work, i told him and he said: oh my twin brother worked there and there was this woman all annoying always yelling, and he yelled back haha…and we talked about that a bit. then i said i heard things he said bout me and its not ok and rude an that kidko isnt worth trust, since he told me everything he said and i could say things also and he said well i could say much more and i said… well it doesnt matter , those things r over now anyways…
he also said then; no one is worth trusting and is a good person… i was like : I am… and he just grinded like “ya sure” … i wanted to say; your oppinion does no define me" but i ignored and didnt comment anything.…
there were three of us talking. then he get a phone cALL and said he goes home and the mutual friend drove with him( i was with my bike) and i said ok then i go home too.
and we go all same way… when i was on my bike riding zig zag home XD (totally drunk lol) i heard him coming back driving… and i think he wanted to hang out a bit more with me, but i already was on my way home and he saw me going homee… so he turned around and went home too and i saw him parking his car on the yard… blah blah… nothing happened i just went straight home and felt 10times totally drunk lol and thats it and i think he wanted to make a impresion on me, he was telling how he was burnouting his tires on car with this kiddo (fake)friend and also that kid throw up in his car and he asked me; will u clean my car, and i said yaa sure,like old times , u remember when i cleaned ur car perfectly at my home when u were sleeping and then my cats ruined it all cause walking over it and letting cat prints on… he didnt say anything just laughed at it.
he also was talking about his car and meantime looking a bit at me and how i will react, but cause he talked to our mutual friend i didnt comment at it… he also said he is going to car servis on monday to keep this car sound he has now (i commented a week ago his car has a nice sound) and he seemed like waiting what i will say. i didnt say anything since he didnt talk directly to me but i was thinking of saying; omg cute if ur car will have same sound as now…
btw he also has two plush cubes on his mirror inside his car i gave him the day we had our anniversary, and same day he broke up im glad he has it and i know he loves that plush cubes and that it reminds me of him. how happy i feel haha greattttt. we also talked about how it is better to work morning or night shifts, if u are during day all day goes away, but its nice to be able to sleep longer in morning… we talked a lot actually for the first time in 3 months. im so happy omg xDDD and i told my sister about this and she said: let him be now, he is going to think about u and wonder things… he definetly wanted to hang out with u more, but u went home so he didnt want to make it obvious and also he was drunk and thats why he wanted that even more…
what u think? i would be glad to hear some oppinions and some advices how to proceed in future. i know now it will be okay when we will meet or maybe he will even stop and pick me up at work (he also works one km away as i work and we live one km away , and its all same road….) i know he wont avoid me anymore. i need good advices from here on seriously, dont want to screw it up!!!
i think this is good and it will get better slowly !!