Just one question, would love to hear opinions.
When my ex broke up with me she said something along the lines of “If it’s meant to be, I’ll come back”. This leads me to think maybe she doesn’t want to 100% lose me in case she feels like she made a bad decision.
Say if I was to change my relationship status on facebook to in a relationship… What effect would you think that that would have on her?
Do you think it might make them think ‘oh crap, I’ve lost him’ and drive them crazy? Make her want me back?
Or do you think it’d push her closer towards moving on from me for good?
Now I’m not thinking of pretending to be in a relationship just to mess with her head, but I am considering dating another girl in the interests of potentially moving on or at least gaining perspective. And I don’t want to potentially hurt this girl’s feelings by not being willing to show that I’m in a relationship with her.
So which way do you think it’ll go?