Hey Mike,
Sorry it took me so long to get this reply to you. I had written a novel, and then it was deleted.
So here goes again,
Yeah, when my ex first refused to come back to the relationship, I fought her on it and one of the first things that I’d say is, “you don’t walk away from 12yr!” I also felt like the love could be rekindled in the current state we were in. NC has allowed me to understand it’s not that simple. Twelve years is a long time to just throw away, but if it gets unhealthy…then it is important to walk away. Also, in a bad situation…no one can really concentrate on rekindling the love because, at least for me, I’d only concentrate on how she hurt me. Nothing would get accomplished.
I feel the same as you in terms of not imagining finding someone we can connect with in the same way. My ex has so many great qualities, and I can only imagine having babies and marriage with her. She feels the same about me. We had a conversation the other night, and she told me that everyone else is a “dumb dumb” compared to me. She said I’m all she ever wanted in a partner, but she feels like something is missing. I asked her to make a list of things that make her happy, and that I would do the same. We then compared the list and they were exactly the same. A bit later, she told me to let her come over and make love to me. During the phone conversation, she told me she felt the same as she used to… I played it cool, and I told her space and time is what will allow us to heal and forgive. That trying to connect now wouldn’t work.
If we reunite, it will be at least a year down the road. It will be when I can think about everything without feeling so much pain, and when I think she’s matured and really evaluated her actions and feelings. I’ll then plant the seed, if I am still in love with her, and we’ll go from there. I will NOT get my hopes up, though. I believe I can fix the disconnect, but at times…I don’t even think I want to…
You may have to be the one to try and reunite, but that’s not a bad thing. And I don’t think she will have it in her head that you forgot about her or are moving on. There is no way she isn’t missing you, and yeah…the magazines will probably keep you in her mind. lol
Closure may never come, and it’s unfortunate if it doesn’t. Just take steps to be prepared for that, and be okay with it if you never get it.
Have a good one!