Please help!

I want my ex back more than anything. We promised each other a future and we broke up. I always get the “I love you but I’m not IN love with you” and “I just want to be friends”. I did do the obsessive begging and pleading to get him back into my life but that was pushing him away and he started to tell me if i kept calling and texting him like that, he wouldn’t even want to be my friend. I read this article and have tok the obsessive communication tip. I don’t send him many texts.

Here’s where it gets tricky.
He tells me “If I ever fall back in love with you, i’ll want you back” “you’re amazing and I want you in my life” “id be bummed if I lost you”

I loved this article and it is very insightful, however, the no contact rule is impossible. We go to the same school and we have a class together with assigned seats that are right next to each other. How do I go about this? I have been texting him less.

I love him dearly and want to be with him forever. Please help! No contact seems crazy! I’ll do whatever to get him back.

I am a self loving person now and I CAN live without him I just don’t want to? All advice please!!! Don’t hold back!!!

Okay so you do NC for 30 days, when you’re at school you can either ask to switch spots or you can act friendly just don’t exagerate leave whenever its possible! This may help

You can definetly get him back! You just need to start improving now and act like you are already over him and independant this will attract him!

Agree with samuel. Look and act your best. Act distant to him. Let him see you do your thing and be wowed :slight_smile: