I want my ex back more than anything. We promised each other a future and we broke up. I always get the “I love you but I’m not IN love with you” and “I just want to be friends”. I did do the obsessive begging and pleading to get him back into my life but that was pushing him away and he started to tell me if i kept calling and texting him like that, he wouldn’t even want to be my friend. I read this article and have tok the obsessive communication tip. I don’t send him many texts.
Here’s where it gets tricky.
He tells me “If I ever fall back in love with you, i’ll want you back” “you’re amazing and I want you in my life” “id be bummed if I lost you”
I loved this article and it is very insightful, however, the no contact rule is impossible. We go to the same school and we have a class together with assigned seats that are right next to each other. How do I go about this? I have been texting him less.
I love him dearly and want to be with him forever. Please help! No contact seems crazy! I’ll do whatever to get him back.
I am a self loving person now and I CAN live without him I just don’t want to? All advice please!!! Don’t hold back!!!