Ex just put up a tweet last night that said “looks like I’m going to be single for the summer” She knows that i dont have a twitter. What does this mean? Does she want me to fight for her even tho she told me she would reach out first?
I heard it from my friend that has her on twitter
Sounds to me she is looking for attention. She might want you to take action.
Keep NC though and don’t let her have the upperhand
Yea on the 21st it will be 30 days no contact. I was gonna txt her on the 22nd with this…
“Hey. I wanted to reach out to you to touch base on everything. I know you’ve asked for time, and it’s only been a month since the breakup but I wanted to see if we could meet up to discuss everything. I think it would be a good idea for us both to meet up and talk. Let me know what you think. Just know that i completely understand if your not ready to talk yet but i wanted u to know that i haven’t abandoned you or givin up on you yet”
What do u guys think?
Srry i just saw it myself. It says “first time i will be single for the summer in 5 years. Keep me in ur prayers.” I really am getting sick to my stomach with this. Please help guys.
I really think you should stick to NC. she is looking for attention.
Regarding the text you want to send her, I don’t know if it’s a good idea to put in there that you want to meet up to talk about everything. She might panic and feel pressured with that.
So i should just leave it out but keep everything else? @KD1988
@Jared it is completely up to you what you say of course. My advice would be to try and lighten it up a little bit so it doesn’t sound so serious. If this is the first bit of contact you are having with her, then you want her to know that you have used your time apart to create a difference in yourself, and this should be obvious from how you are speaking. Do you feel emotionally ready to send it? What if she replies and says she doesn’t want to talk, doesn’t want to meet etc. Im not saying that she will, but IF she does, will you be emotionally prepared for that?
Hmm see its weird, she said she would reach out to me 3 weeks ago. Hasnt yet. I never got closure from her so ive been kinda waiting around. This talk im trying to have is basically a “where are we with this”. I wanna just put that into words, u know what i mean? And if she says no or not yet, I would say something like give me a timeline then or at least lets make some type of plans.
This whole thing is really killing me inside. What is she not rdy to talk about yet? its been 3 weeks since she said that. If its the same thing she told me before, than why are u not rdy to talk? i need help with this. Saturday will be 30 days. Idk what to do.
Anyone have some more advice? ill be sending her a msg on sunday
Please anyone. When u guys give me advice, it makes me feel better. I really only have you guys as theaphy for me right now. This is so hard.
you just gotta keep your head up man. People deal with things at different rates. Give some more time, and prepare yourself to be in this for the long haul. That way u won’t be counting every moment and be waiting for her to get you today or tomorrow
She is playing mind games with you!
She wants drive you crazy, pull her with no contact, give her some
indifference, you have to be strong and protect your dignity.
Gain control and put your self in first place.
I think you’ve gotta give it time. You run the risk of putting pressure on her. You are saying how can she not be ready after 3 weeks, some people aren’t. She needs time just like you do.
You really need to take a step back and just let it progress. I know it’s killing you, but you must work on yourself in this time. If she was to come to you now, you wouldn’t be in any state emotionally to handle it properly.
- Take rest
- Don’t contact or pressure her for few more days even if it is 60 days
- Don’t talk about relationship OR send any text
- Prepare yourself for long haul
- It is stressful phase but what else we can do.
You will fuck up if you show your desperation and need and emotional part,i did and its been a year still not back with my ex and I started my NC on Jan 13th.
Take it easy and relax your mind and don’t panic if you want to save your relationship otherwise go ahead.
So everyone thinks that because she said she would contact me when she is ready, i should let her do that. So i should send no txt on sunday and just keep no contact? I just really worried that she thinks i have given up on her or that i dont care about her enough to fight for her.
@Jared, yes I think you should give her space and I think you should work on yourself. It does sound a lot like you want to put pressure on her, and that’s not going to achieve anything. Re-read the plan again, read the steps again and you will understand why you need to do NC and give you and her a bit of time to breathe.
We all have that fear that they will think we have given up etc… but at the same time, hasn’t she already?