I had 2 years of relationship with him and we broke up few times and I did nc before and he got back with me on day 10 and he told me that he got a good offer in the near city to where I live, we live in different cities by the way, 2 months later the same company withdrawal the position in the city and they offered a position in another country and he kept saying before how hes depressed with the current job he hated and depressed in that city and wanted to go away abroad with me, anyways he was not so sure about the new offer but seems like he wanted to go away just for the sake of going away and needed a change big time and around a couple of days ago he quit his job and ready to go and telling me to go with him but I told him to alone i wont be coming and its better to go on our own ways since my only intention is to marry him and i understand that hes not ready for it, this conversation happened while we were at work, i felt being fooled around as him telling me just to go with him just like that that i have no work nothing at the place he will be going, he said that there a possibility we can come back here together max at the end of year, he told me to come with him but he should have guessed that i wouldn’t go just like that without there is something serious between us like marriage but he yelled at me he doesn’t want to get marry and i got very upset told him bad words and hang up and called him back two more times that i couldn’t accept i felt he was just fooling me with anything he said then i cried and apologized for the bad words that were told out of anger only, then called him again he didn’t answer and i wrote on whatsapp saying sorry for disturbing again just called for last time to say im okay he answered that he was doing some sport now having something to eat and im also sorry if i said anything bad. Then i removed my whatsap acc and today is 12th day of no contact he didn’t contact me at all, i checked his fb je kept adding new friends from work since hes leaving the country seemed so busy and cool and their friends from work tagged him at a dinner all together, that dinner was for him since hes leaving. He seems all fine and cool and doesn’t bother even thinking about me I feel so terrible, hes leaving the country in a few days maybe i don’t know he didn’t contact me in anyway, im sooo desperate and hes over it seems, I cant stand this my heart…please some advice???
I left my last job 10 days ago, changed 3 jobs while these past two years with him and finally i sold my car and my parents friends telling me it was all because him happened and hes not good for me, I’m miserable now I don’t fkng know what to do, where to start, all upside-down. I have told him to marry me 3 months after we started dating, i did feel deep inside i could share the rest of my life with him…I just now don’t know what to do…Im lost and hes leaving me behind just like that easy I hate him
It was all , almost all my mistake, nobody’s…I was so impatient about everything.
I beg for your few words, comments please…
He has all girls attention around him, im going mad i am so lost, please anybody? I do really need it so very bad
Anybody… ?
From your posts it seems you really need to focus completely on yourself for the moment and do strict no contact. The secret to fixing relationship is, be better version of yourself with happiness inside, and stop obsessing about ex. Read the main page of this website, and think what all you have done during no contact to improve yourself. If you would have done the no contact correctly, you should be in happier state and it all would be really easy, else you might be feeling the pain. Again I would say, if you really want to fix things, do NC, just focus on yourself and let him go away for a while, including thoughts about him which is making you weak. As long as you are letting him over your head, you would not be able to be in a state to reconcile.
Also, don’t blame yourself for whatever happened. It already happened, it is past and you just can not change it all, it was just because of circumstances and your being in bad emotional state. So stop blaming yourself, now is the time for being true you and as Kevin said - Remember, that you don’t have to move on. It will be almost impossible for you move on at the moment. But you have to stop being that clingy, needy person and become a confident and attractive person.
And to become that person, you will have to “sort of get over him”. Once you achieve that, you will instantly be confident, attractive, and he will be all over you when you two meet again. You can reach that level of confidence and attractiveness. It will make you irresistable to your ex. And to be honest, it’s not even that difficult.
But for now, just be happy and take care of yourself. No one else will do that for you. Good luck, hope this helped.
Thanks alot!! It meant a LOT to me really…and you’re so right. I will try so hard doing things I enjoy and focus on myself, I will start with gym and then drumming…
Awesome. Now whatever happens just don’t loose focus else you will only feel pain later. Consider this period as your test and you have to anyhow accomplish it for yourself, for your life, and became like what mentioned above. Be determined, best wishes.
Its really hard cuz I’m too weak, but yes I have to…sigh* Thank you very much @manishx
Most welcome, and don’t think yourself weak. In fact we are only weak as long as we consider ourselves that way. And what we have to do - we have to do that happily and it would turn out beautiful, trust me.
Do one thing, watch a small movie - ‘The Secret’ if you have not watched or read this book yet, it is about law of attraction and it works if applied with full faith, I personally benefited from it, lol. Search on youtube.
Ever heard the quote, “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, it turned into a butterfly”? It is so true. This is your oppurtunity to be a strong, beautiful person, inside and out. Pain makes us stronger, but our determination also makes us a better person.
Don’t just think about getting him back, think about making him realise what he’s missing. He won’t miss you if you are weak. You need to be strong, or at least look like you are, and its all in your mindset!
A kick-ass smile and confidence is the most attractive thing. Make sure he sees your doing and being both of those things. If not directly, make sure you are portraying it in social media (but not too obviously), in front of any mutual friends or family. Trust me, even when you think he’s not looking and noticing, someone, somewhere will be telling him how great your doing. You just need to give them reason to.
@manishx I will be watching that movie and thanks for the precious advices, its just that I never felt this weak in my life and I left my job then right after we split up and I sold my car so I feel miserable and just dont know where to start and what to do, I have arranged all my life according to what hes doing and to his plans and he has not changed a bit of any of his plans now I realize but its kinda too late. But I have to pull round for my own self only I can do it I know its just too difficult to put them all in actions…I dont even care right now if I have a job or lost my car or anything, I just think of him leaving me behind thats all I think about and this is ridiculous and insane
@pineappleblue thank you for your words and yes I sometimes shake myself for a moment and have the full confidence but it doesnt last for any long. You said it right maybe this is my opportunity to become a better person inside and out. I sometimes think and feel I just can do anything I want like a sudden inspiration or whatever but hearing from you guys all these make me feel much better and encourage me, I appreciate them all!
Then shake yourself as much as you can do! It will make all the difference. Believe in yourself!
This really is your oppurtunity to be who YOU want to be. And that will be so appealing to him… It’s amazing how men seem to find strong, independent women so attractive. Think JLo, Rihanna, Beyonce… need i say more! Channel your inner goddess! You will thank yourself for it… I’m sorry if this is super cheesy but GIRL POWERRR!
@pineappleblue eheh hll yeah! I feel so encouraged right now lol I hope it will last for long and I getting there having the faith believing in myself again, thanks to you guys
Every time you need a pick me up, you know where we are. This is what these pages are all about!
Take a look at my story if you get a chance, let me know your thoughts!
@pineappleblue Thank you very much.
Its weird how he suddenly come to you with a break up and you say that it happened after you two decided to buy a house together ? It seems like all you can do is giving him time to understand things better and meanwhile work on and improve yourself. Its good you have the confidence as well as his mom by your side