Hello again…I a just want an answer mr-the_ex , patricia12…please…if you read the post…please…You know my situation so I will write again…after no contact
Well I finished no contact rule, it 25 days, I didn’t want to make it a month….but, when I started No contact rule, I didn’t had a sign from my ex, before some days, I decided to finish No contact as I was feeling great and had passed 3 weeks…the same time, my ex did me likes on my social medi, photos, posts, which I am so happy!!...and also he did like to some songs which are not in my profile, songs was about breaking up and missing… I know I must not give attention on social media but it was the only sign from him…
I send him a positive message, just to remind him something and that I hope he had a great time…I didn’t begged, I was completely different from my last messages to him…probably he will think what is going on or not? because I am not begging, I don’t know if he has found other girl…
during the no contact rule I have not done something to him, nothing…no messsage, no like even if he was uploading photos, me I was doing my no contact…and when he saw that I am not doing something, he started his likes to me…
I send him good eveninggggg!!do you remember about this, etc…hope you had a great time”
and he answered me “good evening. how are…he told me about how it was and that he went somewhere else”
I know that he was alone there, so I told him I am fine, busy with work, hope everything is good for you too, where else did you go?” he didn’t answered…
So i left one day, and wrote him again to help me with something, in the beggining again he was cold hello, How are you… but then we wanted to help me, and telling me informations , and we spoke a little for how we are doing with works…just this…i send him something funny a video, and telling him when will you come here ? (you know we live in different cities)
He read my messages really quickly but no respond, also…from the day of his likes until now just passed one week…and from the day which i sent him first message after no contact until now (3 days) he is all the time on social media, aaaall the time, I mean he is so much on social media…
Ok, he is going out some hours but he spents so much tme in social media, whenever i enter he is inside, and this is happenning after my message…i am very positive on my messages, and even if he does not respond I am not begging…
But i don’t knwo what his behavior means, ok he did me likes, which is a sign that maybe he missed me, or to see that he is around of me, but now what??? Why is he cold???why he does not want to have dialog… I have read here on blog about messages and what to send…but I don’t know…
why he is giving me these signs??? Ok his likes maybe are just likes…but wait a minute…he is doing me likes and he knows how much i was in love with him?? It is like to give me a sign with his likes…is he playing with me???
in the end and sorry for my big post…what he really wants and what I have to do???
I wish you will rspond me mr_the_ex and patricia12…pleeeeease…
i really need your advice!!!