People will think I'm crazy but I want one last chance

Im going to keep this as brief as i can.

I met a girl online over a gaming platform back in mid 2018. She was very much interested over the course of 6 months as i played with her almost every single day. I ended up inviting her out on a date because i really liked her, and things was really well. After the date this also went good. She was texting me everyday and i really loved her company. She asked me out on another date 3 weeks later so i said sure. cutting a long story short she didn’t act very interested all of a sudden. Anyway i still did talk to her day in and day out for about 3-6 months.

Anyway i worked it out for myself. I was inexperienced, a bit needy and didn’t treat her the best during and after the situation. She did call me ‘easy’ and she had lost some respect for me. However she did say it was up to me to regain that back.

She met another guy online who is overseas in another country about 6 months ago and is very close, i was jealous AF. However I did do no contact with her and was originally going to wait 2-3 months however it been 6 months and didn’t have the courage to speak to her again.

Anyway i checked her facebook recently and she is now engaged to this guy overseas.

As you can imagine im devastated. I honestly thought the country barrier would eventually be to hard for them to commit to this long term so i wasn’t as worried. I know people will say move on and I know that. But i do want reconciliation even if its just as friends as she does mean a lot to me.

I feel like I have learned from a lot of my mistakes and behavior but i really waited too long.

Basically what im asking is what would be the best way and how to go about it and what to say to try and restart contact with her considering it being so long, she being with someone else ‘virtually’ and the small duration that we ‘dated’.

All advice is appreciated.

@brightspark Good grief, she’s engaged so you must find the courage and strength to move on! And I’m sure the other guy would not want your interference or for her to have you as a “friend”. Sorry for the advice as I know it’s depressing, but it’s for the best for all of you.

Talk with a priest or pastor if you’re Christian. Talk with your parents. After grieving for a while, start dating other women.