Out of the Blue

Hey all, I had been dating a woman since mid November. We were childhood friends sorta …we hit it off extremely well when we started hanging out again and everyone seemed to compliment how happy we were and how great we looked together. When I say things were good I mean they were real good. (Maybe moved too fast). Recently her grandmother who she was really close with passed away (expectedly) and she took it very hard. I was there for her every minute I could be and set my needs aside to make sure she was comforted. A week from her grandmother passing she tells me that shes sorry and has to end things because she’s “just not there” This coming from the same woman that sent me a “thank you for you” text 4 days prior and told me to leave clothes at her house so I wasn’t in jeans all the time (maybe a ploy to get a hoodie idk ?‍♂️)…I guess I’m really confused obviously and unsure of what my next step should be. I started the no contact Thursday but sent something today (which I got a reply no matter how small…but the only reason I sent her something was because she posted on social media about people who block…ghost etc…so ya there’s a game going on…

My plan is to go back to the no contact at least for a week but since I truly feel the relationship is different, I think 30 days would be too long.

I’m thinking (and I hope it doesn’t sound insincere or like I’m an ass#0/3) that her emotions are all over the place due to her loss and on top of that I stayed away from any advances romantically out of respect…and with that combination she lost attraction.

Sorry for the rambling… we’ve all been here and it hurts. And I’m glad I found a place to release some of it. I just wanna know thoughts on my situation and any advice you think would be helpful :confused:

@outofnowhere The recent loss of her grandmother has no doubt caused her to be sad and emotionally unstable, but with time she will heal. I’m not sure she why she would tell you she had to end things because she’s “just not there”. Most often lovers welcome the comfort when facing a tragic loss and it wouldn’t be a reason to break up. But then again, dating only 2 months isn’t usually enough time to get deeply emotionally involved with someone. Did she mention other reasons for the break up?

You wrote:“I stayed away from any advances romantically out of respect”. If she’s the one who made romantic advances on you and you rejected her, that might cause her to be confused.

You wrote:“I started the no contact Thursday but sent something today (which I got a reply no matter how small…” I don’t understand. Did she reply or not?

I think you should do strict no contact for at least 2 weeks. She already knows you care about her…