I met with him initially after four long horrid grueling months!
He told me he missed, loved me and wanted me back. I told him things would have to be totally different and he would have to accept I didn’t want a relationship with anyone for a while and I would certainly not be rushing into anything with anyone, not even him.
We met and went for dinner, it was really hard for me he said he had a great time. I told him we would have to wait for a couple of weeks to meet again as I needed time to reflect.
We are due to meet up this thurs.
I get a bunch of facebook messages! Not even in person or a dignified phone call telling me how hard it has all been for him and that he needs space! WTF!
I actually can’t believe he has done this to me… Again! The last time he broke my heart into hundreds of pieces, stomped all over it and didn’t even look back!
How do I play this? There are many things I still wanted to say to him and try work through? He is willing to meet so I can say them… But is there any point right now, hes just going to screw me up again!
Anna, why don’t try playing him at his own game? Don’t even respond to his messages. You say you found it hard at the last meet up but he had a great time. He could probably sense this and still thinks he has all the power. Take it back!! NC from here for as long as you want. Turn the tables. It seems he’s still invested.
I’m with Don
It sounds like he’s lucky to have you, but realises you would take him back any time.
I would cancel Thursday ignore him, and if he persists while not committing tell him that I wish him the best but at this time in my life I’m only surrounding muself with people who are interested in giving me the treatment I deserve.
And then don’t contact him for any reason.
Once he realises he has lost you he will come back to you.
It’s not fair on you for him to tell you he loves you and wants you back, and then say he needs space. You deserve better, and even though you want him back, you need to do your best to realise that and value yourself as priority.
If I know guys, he will be kicking himself that he didn’t take his chance when you had dinner.
When you do see him again avoid being emotional and try to focus on just having fun and building attention.
Good luck!
Hey thank you for feedback. I honestly feel like I’m going insane.
I feel I want to see him in person to tell him not to mess with me like this ever again. I question his motives! What the actual hell is he playing at?
It’s just all when I have really important stuff to do for my studies as well, it’s as if he just knows when the worst time will be.
No emotion! I’m not a doormat and I deserve a man who will treat me with value and respect. Saying that I’m crushed and feel exactly the same as the first time. No sleep last night, not eaten and keep crying… Fml
So I have decided it is probably for the best I don’t meet with him tomorrow.
Thank you for the advice as it has made me think differently about it. I have written a letter of sorts and intend to email him it. I have outlined that I am reluctant to promise him time but have said I don’t intend to start seeing anyone soon. I have said that we misinterpret actions and behaviors of one another and I need to make an effort to correct this. I havn’t really put anything about the break up but have mentioned how I felt when we met to see if we could be friends. Also his understanding of the need to friends first to prove we can be different from where things went wrong.
It’s pretty frank but I don’t want him to think it is being sent in anger or that it is some sort of attack. I have stated this at the bottom of the letter.
I would appreciate it if anyone has any advice on what else I could put in to show I’m just being honest in an attempt to clear the air without making him mad at me?
I sent the letter, it felt really good for me to air my feelings and thoughts.
I asked him to really think about a reply, but made it clear he had no obligation to even reply.
He told me he intended to reply but may take some time, which is fine.
He messaged me today to tell me a really close family member is having surgery soon because of illness. He told me he is all alone but didn’t know why he was telling me, he just thought I should know.
I have replied asking when and where the surgery is to take place and that I couldn’t even begin to understand what he is going through.
Should I offer to help? I feel like I should but I don’t want to ruin anything in the way of hard work that has lead to us speaking again.