No respond from ex bf during no contact rule

Hi everyone.
Im in 3 days No contact rule. Before this i havent contact him because my phone was not working around 1 day and he contact me that time. right now, i suddenly shut him down by doing no contact rule. its been 3 days and no news from him after his last text before i start no contact rule. he seems happy with his new relationship and his gf keep mentioned his name in social media. its very painful because all this so sudden and he moved on so fast with his bestfriend/girlfriend.

Is he really moved on? I wonder he doesnt care about me anymore or even miss me. it hurts me so much to see him happy. do you think this NC will work on him?

Hi Arryan!

What a lovely name! I am no expert with NC or any relationship since I am also in great pain.

Let me share my story with you. My ex and I have dated for more than 3 years and she dumped me because of unexplained reason. I tried to move on by dating other girls. And let me tell youbthat despite the adventure and bonding, I still feel empty. I see her face in every dates and I always look for her features/attitude with other women. The more I date women tp get away, to deeper the emptiness I feel inside.

You will test the depth of his love for you by doing NC rule. If you guys have a deep relationship, chances are this is just a rebound relationship. If you two share a lot of things, it is difficult to fill that gap and having a new relationship is just a pseudo-fix and will not last.

Give NC a chance and fight the urge to communicate. Allow me to read your progress until such time you won your ex back.

Thank you. :slight_smile:
Im doing nc for 4 days right now. He doesnt text me at all. It seems like he doesnt care about me. Of course, he seems very happy because his girlfriend is also his bestfriend. His girlfriend right now keep posting and tag him. Its very painful. I just hope this is rebound and i just hope he is wondering about me. But why he doesnt text me or find me in any ways? Im afraid he is moved on that fast. We had great and in fact he said i was the best present he could ever had and knowing me was the best thing he ever done. But he doesnt love me anymore and moved on so dast. How could he? Do u think nc is going to be work?

while nothing is a guarantee, I have done a lot of reading in the past 8 days since my girl broke up with me and if they jump into a relationship very quickly it’s actually considered a good sign as they are simply trying to fill a hole in their life and it’s more then likely not going to last, and they will feel the need to have you back in their life.

however in saying that if she is his best friend that may make the relationship stronger then if it was a new person they just met.

Stay strong because the bottom line is if you want them back what other option do you have but to stay strong and give them space to work it out for themselves?

I tried my best to stay strong and keep quiet (because i do NC). I just feel like its not fair. I did mistakes that created fight but its unintentionally. Right after a week we broke up, he changed his profile picture with his bestfriend and right now, its been a month. They seems very happy. Tagging each pther, texting, meeting and being sweet even in public. In fact, he met her parents last month. Its so fast! Like, how could he do that? Move on that very fast. He said he will never with his bestfriend because she is not romantic person, she harsh, she is not that pretty. Completely opposite. She even act like a boy. Now? He with her! It hurts me a lot. I want to have second chance. I want to have him back. But how?

I’m also currently in the fresh off the breakup boat, and I can tell you right now you’re not acting rationally with these developments.

It’s gonna be super hard, but you really have to do whatever you can to give yourself that space of not thinking about him. You must also give yourself the ability to do so… And sometimes that means cutting off facebook/twitter/instagram/whatever.

It’s super hard not knowing what he’ll do, but I find that if you don’t even have a constant visual nagging presence of being online, maybe it will help you enforce the no-contact rule.

I guess my advice to you is, stay strong and resist the urge of even looking at his facebook profile. The others may talk about him and you may hear about it, but you need to remind yourself that you’re #1 and you’re moving to become a better you.

If he finds that better you is more attractive than the other girl, he’ll probably come back to you once you’re ready to take him back.

Yes. Right now im doing my NC for almost 5 days. It hurts of course for knowing that he doesnt text me or find me at all. Right now i just remain silence from him. I didnt post anything in Facebook or twitter. I didnt even disclose my picture, last seen and status in whatsapp. I just keep quiet even it hurts me a lot. I try to do nc for 21 days. At the same time, i want to improve myself. I want to maintain fit and go to gym, taking care of my skin by going to spa. After that, maybe i will be active and contact him. Is it ok?

I’m feeling it too, bud! My ex doesn’t text me back unless he really needs to talk to me about something, and that’s when he really needs someone to talk to… I’ve lent him an ear from time to time, but now I must be vigilant and not fall into that.

I think it’s really good that you’re beginning to try to improve yourself. You should give yourself distractions. Hang out with your friends more. Go out and treat yourself. That’s how I’m gonna cope once I’m done exams; I’ll be going out with friends and actually finish projects that’s been on my backburner for months. Or play video games (but that makes me sound like I’m a couch potato or something.) I really do advocate in improving yourself!

If you feel you’re ready to try to talk to him again after your NC period, then definitely go for it! Just make sure you need to say it in a way that really doesn’t sound like you’re begging him back or something.

But I really have to say AFTER the NC period. You can be active on those social medium anytime, but you gotta remember to completely ignore him otherwise.


I feel like there is very slim hope or might be hopeless to get him back. He seems so in love with his bestfriend/girlfriend. He tweet “im not being the sweetest, but i can assure you that im being my self and you will love it”…his girlfriend tweet it back and said “thank you, love”

First of all, i didnt stalk them. I just open my twitter to contact my old friend but it suddenly pop out and it hurts me really deep this time. I cried so much and i feel like what should i do now? I cant stop thinking about him and i miss him very much but right now he with somebody else and im not sure its a rebound because this is his bestfriend even tho he moved on right away after we broke up.

Do u think i still have hope?

It does feel like he’s being serious based on your comments… I suggest reading this:

I know it’s hurting right now. It is really hurting right now. I can tell you that so much. But really you need to cut him out for a while and even stop thinking about it.

Write down all of his social media information and tack it to the side of your mirror. This will give you the means of remember who he is and how to contact him aside from his number and emails and what not. Proceed to remove him from said media. You can’t deal with what you can’t see, right?

Sometimes going cold turkey from him in all of these facets will give you the space to explore freely while still be able to function in your own little world.

I still think you do have hope but you really need to take the time for yourself to improve and to reflect upon what happened. Too much has happened and it’s still fresh in your mind.

It’s already the first day and I’ve already realized I made too many mistakes; I was being too needy when he probably couldn’t commit. There’s probably still more to come if I give myself the time, and I think you should really have to consider what it is like in your situation as well.

I hope this helps!

It seems like he is. Every video or post he will tag her and comment and like her in social media. Im sure in private way they are more way being sweet. It hurts to see like they been together since early november as a couple and its getting better. I mean, we did have great time before! Its just a mistake rhat i blew up and everything went down so bad.

Yes nyancat, i read this article. Right now im doing nc for 5 days. I try mybest to maintain fir, go to spa and keep bust. But when im alone, all i think about is him. Seeing him so happy like this i feel like i dont have hope at all. But when u said that i do have but need to improve myself, i try my best thank u :slight_smile:

But how to get him back if he doesnt care bout me not text me or miss me? Hmmm

You should definitely think about it, and also try not to be super hasty about it. I think it would be best to actually spend more time discovering yourself. Go out with someone else, go with friends.

After all, you know yourself best!

But you also have to realize that coming back together may not be a reality if this is the case. You need to be ready for this kind of situation. Be wary and tread carefully!

Yes nyancat. I try my best to discover myself, recover myself and improve my self. Im doing spa for my skincare, im doing gym for maintaining my body and keep busy with university club so that i can distract myself from him. I want to be new me and i know he used to say that he wished he could see my old me where i was fit and slim and lovely. I try my best to be that but more improvise in every aspect too. But i do miss him. Miss his support, miss his companion, miss the way he makes me smile by teasing me and every stress will fade away.

I know we will be great together again. He used to say that he wish he could know me once more but how could it be if he doesnt allow himself plus ge has someone else and its pretty happy and serious. I do want him and i do hope that i still have second chance. Seeing him this hppy after me its not fair.