No contact was the biggest mistake I made. I regret following that advice.

I could’ve gotten her back after a week of NC. I decided to stick with it for 30 days.

She started seeing a new guy. I could’ve ended NC then.

She got into a relationship with this guy. I kept going.

30 days later we reestablish contact. Things look great, like we were going somewhere.

It goes well for a week, then she pulls a 180 and says we shouldn’t be in contact anymore.

Broken hearted again. I’m in a worse position than I was when I started NC.

Let this be a lesson to anyone who has a gut feeling to end NC. NC may very well be what kills your chances to begin with.

Sorry not sorry.

Would being desperate and reaching out before you were ready really have made all that much of a difference to begin with.? If her mind was that made up, I legitimately doubt it would’ve made a difference if you contacted her instantly or not.

Basically: I was ready after 5-7 days, I kept up no contact in some vain attempt to get her to come back to me on her own. Backfired. As it will with most guys who fall prey to this terrible advice.

You need to rapidly change and strike while there’s still a spark.

Read up on Dan Bacon’s “The Modern Man”. If only I saw that website before this one.