no contact rule?

Ok i seen mine ex in she was at the table eating but since i am doing the no contact i didnt even look at her are say anything to her did i do anything wrong?

It depends on if she saw you… if not, then I don’t believe that you did anything wrong. If she did, then you shouldn’t avoid her out in public… I have a situation tonight that there’s a 50/50 chance that I’ll run into my ex at a mutual friends Birthday celebration, originally I wasn’t going to go, but then I was like screw it I’m going, I want her to see (if she shows) that I’m cool with the way everything ended and that I’m moving on, even if it’s an act… By avoiding her it still sends that message of you not being over her, which you don’t want her to think… I’m not saying that you should have a full blown conversation with her when this happens, it should be a short, hey… how’s it going? sorry but I have a couple of things to do, nice to see you, then you’re out…

Can i still get her back if i avoid her a couple times in the past cause i didn’t know it was ok to least say hi to her but if i started unleash saying hi now would she be able to forgjve me in take me back?