My ex girlfriend broke up with me about two months ago. My best guess for the reason why is that I made my self too available, always doing things to please her and texting more than she would have liked.
Here is the outline of the breakup itself:
Day 1: I went over to her place and she told me she didn’t love me anymore and didn’t see a future. There wasn’t much explanation beyond that. Despite my concerted efforts to convince her otherwise, she stood firm, though she did cry frequently during the discussion. She was still affectionate and by the end of the night we were in bed together for one last roll in the sheets.
Day 2: I woke up in the morning and she still wanted to breakup. I gave her back her spare house keys and left for work. I didn’t contact her all day and by 9:30 that evening she was sending me pictures and saying she missed me. She then invited me over to her place that Saturday. I said yes.
Day 3: A few texts
Day 4: Saturday morning she texts me let’s cancel. I try to sway her but she’s standing firm again and said we should go for no contact. I write her an e-mail that night, we’ll call that e-mail #1, and it wasn’t asking for her back but saying how much I cared for her and wish things could have turned out differently.
Day 5: I was convinced that all hope was lost but that evening she sends a short e-mail saying that e-mail #1 moved her and she was willing to try again, saying it was up to me. I accepted the offer, probably too quickly, even though I knew I wouldn’t see her for a couple of days.
Day 6: A few texts
Day 7: A few texts
Day 8: She texts me during my lunch break that we should stay broken up.
Day 9: I try to make magic happen again with a second e-mail but it just made me look desperate and helpless. I’m not sure if that blew my chances. Her only response was: respect my decision to end the relationship I will no longer be responding, it’s meant for us both to heal faster.
It’s been just shy of two months since she sent that text and we have had zero contact. The only thing that changed was that she unfriended me on snapchat, a couple of weeks later she unfriended me on facebook, and a few weeks after that she made it so I couldn’t see her instagram photos.
My question is this: since she requested that there be no contact, would the no contact rule have any effect in my case, or has she found some sort of loop hole? It seems like my silence is just making it easier for her to move on. Is it possible that I’ll just have to wait even longer without contact? 3 months, 6 months? I just don’t know how much time would make a difference.